Chapter 1

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Recommended Song:
Broken Home ~ 5SOS


Kay's POV

Whoever said moving was a great way to start a new chapter was a liar.

Last thing I wanted to do was move from my last town. But I had to because my mom and step-dad both got promotions so we had to move. We meaning them, me, and my three sisters. Well maybe not my sisters considering I am not blood-related to any of them.

My oldest sister Bree is 17 and a junior. Then there's Hannah who is 16 and a sophomore. My youngest sister is Leila who is also 16 but she is my step-dad's daughter from a different marriage. Then me, I am 17 and a junior but thing is I'm adopted. 

My mom and dad adopted me before knowing that she was pregnant with Hannah. They wanted a little girl around for Bree to bond with for some odd reason. I never really asked my mom. But we had an amazing family life. Our parents would spoil us and made sure we were the happiest.

Though when Bree and I were about 7, and Hannah was 6, our dad cheated on our mom. This really hurt me because my dad was my best friend. Bree and Hannah were, and still are, really close with our mom while I was really close with our dad. He tried fighting for custody over me too but my mom put up the argument "it will tear the girls apart if they get separated". So she won me and I haven't heard from him since. 

Now fast forward three years and that's when our mom met our step-dad. He didn't like me at all. Apparently to him I was nothing like my mom and since I was nothing like her then he didn't care for me. Mom didn't care because she was so happy and blinded by his love. Bree and Hannah would notice me hurting but I told them it was nothing as years went by. Leila would even offer to talk to her dad but I told her I was fine. Didn't help that I had to share a room with Bree so she would never stop bothering me about it.

Now that I think about it the only good thing about this move was getting my own room. Not like it mattered anyways considering none of my 'family' members would even notice where I'm at. That's why I spend most of my time with headphones in and a book in my hand just escaping to another world. Most of the time I would walk off somewhere and just enjoy the nature with my book and music. But now with this stupid new town, I have to find a completely new place to read and escape to.

What makes today even better is that I get to carry all of my stuff to my room by myself. Luckily my bed, desk, TV, dressers and couch was already in the room. Yet again this was from the money that my dad sends to keep Bree, Hannah and I supported. When you enter my room, and from the perspective of standing in my doorway, the bed in the middle against the right side of the wall. Across from it is one of my dressers with my TV above it and already connected. To the right of my bed in the corner is my desk facing the wall. On the wall across the door entrance is a window with a nice view of the front yard. And inbetween the desk and bed was another window with a view of the side of the neighbor's house. 

Inside my room was also a beanbag chair and many boxes. Sighing, I decided to just take out my books first and place them on my bookcase along with my cds in the small case next to it. After doing that, I put away the majority of my clothes and knew after doing those three things that I didn't have to do much more. This was pretty good for the time being especially since as time goes on I'll unpack more and more.

Unfortunately, tomorrow we start school. 

Bree, Hannah and Leila were all super excited. But yet again, why wouldn't they be? They'll probably be the popular girls here like they were at our last girl. You'd think being somewhat related to them that I was popular too, right?

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