Larry: Harry locked out

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Harry's POV:
I regret it I really do. I didn't mean to kiss her and I definitely didn't mean to have the paparazzi take a picture. I know that it's probably all over the internet now and that Louis is probably sobbing from even the mention of her name.
When we first went out I figured Taylor and I would just go to a club and talk. But it didn't turn out that way we were both drunk and it was a stupid mistake. It's too late now though I just cheated on my boyfriend and even worse he learned from the Internet instead of me.
I'm now standing outside our flat door, but in my rush to get out of the club I left my keys and wallet on the table. Knocking on the door I'm surprised to see Louis open the door.
"Lou... Please I'm sorry, can we talk" I started to plead
"Harry I'm not ready for this right now" , he replies before handed Harry a bag and closing the door.
I decide to just sit up against the door I really don't think I can drive like this. Plus Harry Styles checking into a hotel at 1 am probably wouldn't look good. I slowly close my eyes and go to sleep.
I wake up a little while later freezing, I check my phone and found out it was 3 o'clock in the morning. Tears started falling down my face as I fell into an uneasy sleep.

Louis POV:
I wake up the next morning at around 9  and see that it rained last night. I make myself some cereal and go to sit on the couch. Halfway through my film I hear sobbing outside the window. I go open the front door and there lay a shaking mess of curly hair.
"Oh Hazza, come on let's get you inside" I reach my hand down to help him up but he just lays there whimpering.
" Here baby I can carry you" I crouch down and pick him up, and after a moment of hesitation he cuddles into my chest.

No ones POV:
Louis walks over and sets Harry on the couch making him whimper from loss of contact.
"Babe, let me grab a blanket and I'll be write back" Louis says while grabbing Harry's favorite blanket.
Coming back to the couch Louis drapes the blanket on Harry's shoulders and sits down in the chair across from him. There is a moment of silence but soon Harry starts crying feeling a harsh pain in his head.
"Aww, don't cry love. What's wrong" Louis asks while grabbing one of Harry's hand.
"It hurts" Harry whispered with blush appearing on his cheeks.
"What does" Louis asked gently as to not upset Harry any further.
"Head and stomach" Harry murmurs
"Ok we don't have any medicine but I'll run out real quick if you'd like" Louis whispered
"No please stay"Harry begged
"Okay baby here scoot over and I'll lay next to you" and Harry quickly complied wanting nothing more then his boyfriends arms around him.

Louis's POV:
I watched as Harry rolled over to face me and buried his head in my shirt. I grabbed the blanket and set it atop of us before wrapping my arms around Harry.
I faintly heard Harry say something. And assumed it was about him feeling poorly.
"Babe I couldn't her you can you reapeat that" i whispered back
" I'm sorry" he replied looking up at me with tear filled eyes
I held him tighter and started combing my fingers through his hair. I forgave Harry for kissing Taylor but I could never forget it. Truth be told I love him so much I think he could do pretty much anything and I would forgive him. Harry starting sobbing making me look down to see what was wrong.
" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm worthless, ugly, and don't deserve to be with you he cried" while trying to get up from the couch
I held on tight and kissed his forehead letting him know it was all ok. I rocked him to he fell asleep.
Looking down his eyes were bloodshot and tear streaks covered his face but he still looked beautiful to me.

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