Larry: Lost teddy bear

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This was a request from BoyfriendTheand, thanks for the request I hope you like it.
Louis' POV
Wr just returned from the USA and I'll I wanted to do was sleep. Harry was going to take a shower first though. I fall to sleep easily only to be awaken 20 minutes later.

Louis Louis get up.
I'm up I'm up
He's Gone
Who's gone
My teddy bear
Did you check all the suitcases.

Harry points to the corner where all of our luggage is spread out everywhere.

Ok Haz calm down. I'll have someone
ship it here tomorrow. Where did you leave it?
No I want it now, I won't be able to sleep without him
It takes 11 hours just to get there
So I'm tired
Please Lou? For me
Haz go to sleep, we can deal with it Tommorow

Harry walks over to the bed and lays down with his back towards me. I go to lay down but am stopped by the sound of Harry's crying.

I can't stand to hear him cry so I get my phone from the dresser and buy two plane tickets to LA. The flight leaves I'm an hour and now her of us are even dressed.

C'mon Harry get dressed
Where are we going?
LA, to get your dumb bear
He's not dumb
Ok to get your teddy bear. You ready?

We arrive at the airport and luckily due to the late hour no one comes up to us. We get on the plane and I shut my eyes but Harry is persistent and just stares at the seat in front of him.
-------Arrival in LA-------
In LA we aren't as lucky and we do get mobbed. And as we're going through the crowd my phone rings with Nialls ring tone.
Hey Lou umm...
Niall what's wrong?
I kinda maybe sorta have Harry's bear
You what?!?
It was in my bag
I hate you
I'm super sorry. When do you want to pick it up?
Oh I don't know about 11 hours ago
Hey whys it so loud on your end?
I'm in LA because of that bear.
Yeah oops
I'll see you in eleven hours

I turn to see Harry struggling so I grab his wrist at start to pull him back to the plane.

Lou where are we going?
London, Niall has the bear
Yes really, let's go.

We fly back to London, with neither of us being able to sleep we watch a couple of movies.

After fighting through a mob and a half hour drive we finally make it to Nialls flat.

Harry looks exhausted so I go in by my self. Opening the door with my key, I see the bear on the counter. I couldn't be more relieved.

Niall I'm here, I'm taking the bear

Niall walks out and I grab the bear by its ear.

Good take it that thing is creepy
Agreed by Harry loves it
I'm sorry again
Yeah I just flew for twenty two hours to get the bear that was fifteen minutes away.
You better be. I got to go Harry hasn't slept for 24 hours.

We exchange our goodbyes and I walk down to our car throw the bear at Harry and start driving home. Upon our arrival I go straight up stairs and lay down, almost asleep I here a small thank you.

You're lucky I love you Haz
I love you too

He lays down and wraps his bear in his arms, I do the same and wrap my arms around him.
I would truly fly around the world for Harry.
Please comment and request.

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