Larry: Faking Sick: Harry

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Harry's POV
Interviews. Interviews. Interviews.
Don't get me wrong I love my job but the interviews are boring and I can't sit next to Louis.

"Haz you ready", speaking of my lover here his now
"C'mon Harry it's time to go"
"I don't feel good", maybe this will get me out of the interviews today
"You look fine, now c'mon lets go"

I know I'm going to lose this battle so I quickly get ready and head downstairs. Once I'm downstairs I instantly regret it, I feel nauseous and I'm freezing in my jeans and hoodie. Maybe it's just my mind, I can't really be sick.

"Took you long enough, grab a granola bar and let's go", well this day can't get any worse, now Louis is mad at me too.

I don't bother getting the granola bar and I walk to the car. I sigh when I notice Louis in the passenger seat, I hope in and start the 20 minute ride to the 1st studio. About 10 minutes in I can't take it anymore. I pull over only to receive a rather harsh lecture from Louis.

"Seriously Harry, we're gonna be late, move I'm driving. And while you're at it cut the act, I know you're not sick"

Louis pushes me out of the car and I walk around and instead of going to the front I open the back seat and lay down. I hear Louis sigh before he blasts the music and speeds off.

-------------------At studio----------------
"You're late", one of the managers says to us the second we walk in

Louis grumbles and walks over to the other guys. I walk to the snake table to get some water, and here the conversation.

Niall: "Why were you late, management was about to call off the interview"
Louis: "Harry's being stupid; he's faking sick. Sometimes I wonder why I date him"

I drop the water bottle and run off towards the bathroom. I hear the guys and management calling me but I one care; Louis doesn't wanna date me.

"Haz baby"
"Go away"
"Harry c'mon I'm sorry"
"Just leave me alone"

It's at this moment everything I've eaten in the last twenty four hours starts coming up. I want Louis. I open the food with my free hand and Louis comes in quickly.

I hear him shut the door and I soon feel his hand on my back. After I'm finished I flush the toilet and lean back against him.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry"
"Hmm... It's fine"
"No it's not, c'mon were going home"

He picks me up and puts me in the passenger seat before going back in and grabbing his stuff. We stopped 5 times on the way home and I just cried. Everything hurts. I just want to lay in Louis arms and go to sleep.

We're finally home and Louis just set me in bed. I whimper wanting him but he's trying to make my death faster by giving me some poison with the title medicine written on it.

After taking the horrendous liquid I hold my arms out and Louis gets in bed. We cuddle the rest of the day and I don't have to go to interviews for the rest of the week.

Yay for me but that also means I get to throw up for the rest of the week instead. But I have Louis so what does it matter.

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