Lirry: Harry fake sick

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We have 3 interviews and a concert tonight, and as much as I love Harry I don't have time to deal with his schemes. This morning he woke up complaining of a headache and that his stomach was bothering. I know that he's just faking it though, he hates the interviews and is just trying to get out of doing them.

Liam thinks that I'm faking but I promise that I'm not, I really wish liam would just litsen and take care of me like he normally does. We're getting into the car now to go to our first interview  of the day and I'm dreading it.

*in the car

Harry had said aloud to the car that he wasn't feeling good and asked for them to keep it down. In response, Liam rolled his eyes and turned the radio up. Louis was watching the interaction and started to get upset seeing his friend feeling so bad. In attempts to comfort him, Louis opened his arms and Harry leaned in and fell asleep against his chest.

I turned around and see that Harry, my boyfriend  was laying in someone else's arms. Saying I was mad was an understatement, Harry knows I get jealous when he gets touchy with the other boys in the band. I ask the driver to pull over and tell Louis that he needs to switch seats with me.

"Why? He's asleep, no need to wake him up."
"He can sleep later, he's not actually sick"

It was this moment when Harry woke up and threw up all over himself and Louis

Harry threw up and was sobbing and I felt absolutely  terrible, I lock eyes with Louis and he moves Harry off of him and switches places with me.

"Harry, love let's get you cleaned up and then you can sleep again, okay?"
"I'm sorry Liam"
"No, not of that, it's not your fault"

Liam helps to get Harry cleaned up before gathering him in his arms and letting him fall asleep. Once the boys arrive at the interview, Liam carries Harry into the studio and they let him sleep on the couch as they do the interviews. Harry luckily feels a little  better by the time of the concert and performs with the rest of his band mates and boyfriend.

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