A boring day in school

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We woke up at 5:00 A.M. in the morning,changed into our uniforms and went to dining hall for breakfast.I saw Dianna at a corner bench with other two girls.When they saw me and Ruby they began glaring at us.I saw Dianna had bandage in her hands.

I looked at Ruby but she was looking the other way.Then we found an empty table in the centre part and sat there eating our breakfast.I felt the piece of bread stuck in my neck when I saw Dianna and other two girls with the looks that could kill.I was uncomfortable whereas Ruby on the other hand was eating her breakfast silently without noticing them.

In class,the chapter was really boring and I began yawning.I was alseep.When I woke up I saw that noone was in the class not even Ruby.I was all alone in the whole class.I suddenly filled a chill down my back.It was all silent.Scared?Didn't even describe the feeling.I was terrified.I went to the door but it was locked.I cried for someone to help me.

Then I heard a familiar sound,"Liya,Liya,Liya,wake up"Then I was awaken from my dream.

"Liya,wake up,class is over."-Ruby

"Oh!I fell asleep over the whole class?"-Liya.

"Yeah"-Ruby said with a smile.

"Aw...But it wasn't my fault today's chapter was kinda boring one."-Liya said rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah sure it was."-Ruby agreed.

"You know I saw a weird dream."-Liya.

"What kinda?"-Ruby asked curiously.

"I saw that I fell asleep and when I was awake the whole class was empty and I was locked here..."-Liya

"It's just a day dream.If you keep sleeping in the class like that you are sure to have weird dream..."

"And no sleep at night?"-Liya asked completing her sentence.

Like this on the whole classes were boring as I had thought.

A.N.:-So hey!!!!!!!! this is actually a story I wrote long long ago probably 2 or 3 years before.And it's already completed.So I'm gonna post a chapter per day there not much chapter probably 4 more chapters left.If you took your precious time to read this story.Thanks a lot. :))

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