Strange dreams

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At night, I saw another dream. I was in some kind of strange place and I was so scared that I started crying. Then I heard a voice, it was Ruby's. She was saying me not to cry. I woke up feeling strange.

Next day we were both in library. I was still thinking about my dream last night and whether I should tell her about my recurring dreams or not. I was hesitating to tell her because she might think that I was totally freaked out by last night's movie and would say that I was thinking too much for no reason. I was reading an interesting adventure book. And Ruby was reading a lovestory , I guessed.


"Yeah, what ?" she said snappily. She tends to get snappy when she is reading and someone interupts her.

"Which book are you reading?"

"Dream and you?" she said casually.

Wow you read my mind I said to myself.

"Adventure one. You know I saw a strange dream last night again." I said picking up the topic of dream.

"You and your dreams. What was it about?" she said not looking up from her book.

"Um...I was in a strange place. Noone's around and I began to cry and then I heard your voice." I said looking at her waiting for her to say something.

She didn't say anything still engrossed in her book and just nodded.


It was at night after our dinner I was doing some of my maths homework. Ruby was in her bed writing something. I have been noticing that Ruby is quite silent these days. We used to gossip too much and now we barely had any interesting topic to talk too. And also Ruby always has a serious look after she had came back. I felt really bad about it. I should atleast ask her what's wrong, right?


She looked up from whatever she was writing and said "Yeah."

"What are you writing?" I said feeling somewhat nervous.

"Uh...nothing you?" she said closing her notes.

"Just my math's assignment. Is there anything wrong?" I asked curiously.

She looked at me which with a look of shock before she replaced it and looked away.

"Nothing's wrong." sghe said too quickly which I can easily figure out is a lie.

"But you know it seems like there's something wrong. Can't you even tell me?" I said feeling some what hurt that she don't want to share something that had happen to her with me. I was her best friend.

"I don't have anything to tell you." she said bluntly and emotionlessly. It almost made me think that is this really Ruby that I used to know. She used to be so sweet and caring and now the way she talked surprised me.

"Really?" I asked pressing more on the subject.

She just nodded a far away look in her face.

"Okay then. But you know that you can talk to me about anything."

"Okay. But there's really isn't anything." she said giving me a light smile.

 Light's out at 10:00 pm. Then we both went to sleep. At night, I saw another strange dream. I was in a graveyard, and I was walking. Walking through many tombs. I keep walking until I came up in front of someone's tomb. I saw something written there but I couldn't see it clearly. I tried to read the sentence again and gasped. 

I saw "Ruby Willson beloved daughter and friend" written on that tomb.

A.N.: Okay it's been long since I last uploaded a chapter here. I will be editing My Dead Bestfriend after I'm finished with all the chapters. Two more chapters to go.

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