Ruby's New Side

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"Let her go"-Ruby told her with a cold calm voice without even looking at her.

"I said let her go."-She repeated.

I could feel anger in her voice and I could see her face pale very pale.

"What will you do if I didn't "-Dianna hissed.

It was then Ruby stands grabbed her both hands holding it tight.Dianna was like ouch let go of my hand,bitch.I could she her eyes angry ,her brown eyes turning colourless or should I say lifeless,holding the hands of Dianna tighter and tighter.

I still couldn't believe my eyes.Ruby was never like that as I had known her.Sure she is supporting and will do anything for me and vice versa but she was never the fighting type.She was always sweet and caring person.And I've never seen this side of her.

I told Ruby to let go off her hands.But she kept gripping it tighter and tighter.

While I was trying to free Dianna's hand,I could feel cold very cold.Her hands were so cold.I was struggling really hard to stop that fight.

Then at that spot our hostel incharge arrived.Never in my life I was so glad to she her.She yelled at all of us.It was then Ruby let her hands go.I could see red marks on Dianna's hands and it was little swollen.Don't know why even if I hated her,I felt bad for her.

After one hour lecture of our hostel incharge,we came back to our room changed in our night clothes and laid in our own beds.There was a silence for awhile.Then I broke the silence.

"Ruby,are you asleep?"

"No,just laying."

"Ruby,I've never seen you like that."I said refering to what happened earlier.

"Yeah I know" was all she said.

"And you know her hands were swollen,why didn't you let her go?"

"I-I-I was just pissed off at her that I felt like breaking her hands."

Woah this is definately not the Ruby I know "Ruby's New Side"

"Anyway you shouldn't have done that..."I told her.

"Yeah I guess your right."

"ok!then lets sleep,tomorrow we have classes.Good night."



"Nothing.Good night."


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