Finally a boring day over and the Horror starts

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Hello my lovely readers,here's another chapter for you

Finally classes were all over at school.And after school we changed our uniform.I wore a plain black T-shirt and a dark blue track.Ruby had her pink flower printed T-shirt and a pink skirt.Like I told you she is a pinky person.

After dinner,it was time for the movie cuz today was our movie night.It was a movie night every friday night.I was quite excited for a horror movie.I don't enjoy enjoy horror movies though but I try to show other's that I'm not afraid at all.Ruby is also as scared as me while watching horror movies and she is all the time screaming and crying through out the movie.As I had said me and my bestie have a lot in common.

So,Today's night,our horror adventure started.We watched a movie it's name I don't remember and there is ghost girl who always hunts her twin sister at night.I was putting my blanket all over my face.But as I noticed everyone was scared except Ruby.She was watching the movie with a blank expression in her face.And she didn't even scream throughout the movie.I didn't watch half of the movie as I was just staring at Ruby sdtill feeling odd and strange.After the movie,about in 10:30pm we all went to our room.Me and Ruby were in our bed.I was still thinking about Ruby.



"You know today you din't scream once throughout the whole movie"-Liya commented.

She looked at me and said,"There was nothing so scary in that movie."

"Really?But everyone was scared and I was too."-Liya

"Liya I am sleepy and too tired lets get some sleep okay."-Ruby



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