A Call

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Next day we had holiday as it was Sunday. So, Ruby and I planned to go out on shopping. We went to a mall nearby and I noticed that today Ruby was trying to be quite cheerful with occasional smiles and jokes.Any way I was happy too that she was making an effort atleast for me. We went to a tons of stores and bought tons of clothes and we're back at hostel.

After a long day in mall we were both tired so after dinner we both went to bed talking about some random stuffs. We said good nights to each other and drifted to sleep.

"Um...Liya? You still awake." Ruby asked me.

"Yeah.. What happen Ruby?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"You know.... you know I have to tell you something." she said nervously.

Yeah sure you owe me an apology for snapping at me last night when I was just asking if anything was wrong. I thought mentally to myself.

Sensing the seriousness in her voice and getting really curious.

"Like what?" I said totally clueless.

She was silent for a moment before she said "Later maybe later."

So it's not an apology I mentally slapped myself.

Now curiousity was getting the best of me. I've always hated when people would start saying something and changed their mind and tell I'll tell you later.

"Ruby, you know how I am. Now I can;t sleep thinking what you were going to tell." I said in a pleading tone.

"Later some other day. I promise."

"Then atleast tell me what it's about, is it about you, hm... did you made a boyfriend while on vacation." that was the best I could come up with. I mean what else could be eating her to tell me that was so hard.

"What? No."

"Then what?" and there I was at it again trying to convince her to tell me.

"I'll tell you later." I'm stubborn at times but Ruby can be much more when she wanted to. I knew she wasn't going to tell me until she wanted to so I gave up.

"Okay then." I said giving up even if my curiousity was killing me and wanted me to beg her to tell me.

It was a great day in which I didn't even thought about my annoying recurring dreams. Not even once. Not until again that night I saw another scary dream.

Next day, I woke up feeling a headache coming up because of my dreamy night. I didn't told Ruby anything about the dream. I didn't told Ruby anything about that other dream too. That really didn't make any sense.

We had our classes today and I had a headache to deal with what worse could happen today. I went to nurseroom to get some medicines for my headache. Ruby wanted to come along with me but I told her I would be fine by myself.I went to sick room to get some medicines.Ruby wanted to come along wid me but I told her I was fine and could got there myself.

I got the medicines and while I was returning a girl from our class came running towards me and told me that I had a call. 
I asked her if it was from my parents.But she said it was from Ruby's parents,they wanted to talk to you,rush there now. 
I wondered why would her parents would want to talk to me.So,I went to the office room where the telephone was.When I was there I saw Ruby was on phone.And was talking to her parents.After a while she said bye and kept the phone down. 
I came close to her and said,"Someone said that your parents wanted to talk wid me." 
She looked at me surprised and said,"Why would my parents wants to talk wid you?" 
"But someone told me that there was a call for me from your parents." 
"maybe whoever it was was just lie-ing or playing prank on you." 
Maybe I told her. 
I wanted to believe Ruby but I felt like she was hiding something from me. 

Later we went back to our class.After our school time we went back to our room.We finished our homeworks (though there weren't many) After dinner we went straight to bed.I was nearly asleep when Ruby said ,"Liya.....you still awake?" 
"Yeah why?Not feeling sleepy?"I told her. 
"Uh..Liya do you believe in ghost?"-She asked me. 
"I don't know sometimes I do sometimes I don't.Wat about you?" 
"I didn't used too.But I believe now."She said seriously. 
Even though I couldn't see her face I knew she was serious. 
"Ruby,why are you asking this kinds of questions late at night??" 
"Ok ok now sleep .You know I am having this strange dream since I came here and I don't want my dream any worse tonight." 
"Good night" 
"Night, night" 

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