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You guys must read the page before this before reading this one!
This is probably gonna turn into a Charisa story but for now it's gonna focus on them all! In this story Mikey and Betsy are gonna be the bad ones so I'm sorry if I offend any of you because you believe Betsy ATM but this is how is story is working!

Parisa's POV

Me and Betsy had never stopped arguing lately. It was constant. I hated it. She was meant to be my best friend but I didn't seem that way anymore.

"You get all the attention in the band,my our always the popular one, your the one that everyone one loves" she yelled at me.

This was out biggest argument yet.

"We'll try harder then." I yelled back.

Mikey and Charlie raced into our room at the sound of us yelling.

"You know i don't wanna be in this band anymore." Betsy yelled and went to hit me but Mikey's hands caught a hold of hers and pulled her back.

"Me either! It's always you!" I screeched. I went to hit her knowing she couldn't protect herself as Mikey was had still got a hold on her. But i didn't it her because I was swung off my feet by two strong arms behind me and carried out.

"You need to calm down" Charlie's voice echoed as he sat me on his bed.

"I will not calm down Charlie! She keeps blaming me, telling me it's all my fault that's Petsy's like this. She tells me it's my fault why we're arguing" I yelled at Charlie and ran from his and Mikey's room and back into mine and Betsy's room where Mikey was calming Betsy down.

"It's all your fault" I yelled at her and pushed Mikey out the way so I could punch her. But yet again I was pulled way by Charlie.

"You's need to calm down! Both of you. This band it's gonna become nothing" Charlie yelled at us, with me still in his grasp.

"I don't even wanna be in his band anymore. Not with her" I cried pointing too Betsy.

"Fine than Only the young are over! I don't wanna be in a band with you either!" She replied.

"I'm not surprised actually. You always got the attention anyway you's never cared for one of us. Well maybe Charlie. But you never excepted us." Mikey said, taking Betsy's side,

I couldn't reply,I'm had now lost two of my best friends. Hopefully not Charlie now.

"Parisa loved everyone of us with all her heart. She got the most attention because she cared the most. She was the one who always tweeted and cared for the fans. Sorry guys but I'm not believing your stupid things. I'm loyal to my best friend of 13 years. I'm wi Parisa" Charlie said, letting me cry into him.

I watched as Betsy ran to pull my hair and hit me but as soon as Betsy got a hold of my hair Charlie yanked her of and pushed her away.

"Leave Parisa alone" he yelled.

"Go into my room babe, I come join you in a minute." Charlie told me.

"Only the young is over!" He yelled,

I walked into his room falling onto his bed. Realising. Our dreams had been destroyed. We could do this on our own right?

Zahra raced it o the room realising what had happened.

"It's gonna be okay" she said as I sobbed heavily into Charlie's pillow.

The door opened and Charlie walked in tears running down his face.

"You okay?" He looked at me and I shock my head, I couldn't lie to him.

"Come here" he sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. I loved Charlie hugs.

"They're gonna leave and we'll sort everything out. We can do this together" he kissed my head.

"You's need to tell the fans" Zahra said.

Charlie brought out his phone and started tweeting. (This is not what they have actually tweeted)

Sorry guys, but OTY is over. We've had an argument and then some of us decided to leave. We're gonna keep going and making music but not as OTY just Me and P. Don't know what BB and M are doing but for now it's just me and P, personal twitters are being made later C xx (yes I know it's to long for a tweet but this is a fanfic)

Within minutes the how fan base was in flames. Then Betsy and Mikey tweeted.

This is the end of OTY. Some people just can't keep there mouth shut, hint, hint Parisa! But We was never happy with this. But this isn't the end of us were gonna keep going! BB &M xx

I was so mad and angry with them, after all the work it was all over.

Zahra left us alone for a bit to go tell family and that.

"Why don't we go get a Nandos and forget about this for a bit" Charlie said.

He knew how to cheer me up so much. He was sometimes the only one I'd let in and tell everything too. He was the brother I never had but should of.

"I need to fix my self first though" I laughed slightly seeing myself in the mirror.

Make up ran down my cheeks, eyes puffy, etc.

"Will they still be in my room?" I asked.

"No I heard them go downstairs." Charlie said,

I went and redid my make up and got my shoes and coat and that and we went to get dinner.

We sat in Nandos hoping no fans would see us and asks for information and that.

"Can we carry on with music together?" I asked him shyly.

"Of course babe, Charisa can do this!" He laughed.

I was devastated I have lost my best friends, but at least I still have Charlie.

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