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Mikey's POV

It had been a few weeks since P was let home from hospital. She was a lot less weak and could do a lot more for herself.

Her and Charlie made an adorable couple, but yet it made me jealous a little. They're relationship worked out and mine and Betsy's went pear shaped.

As much as Parisa was a lot better she couldn't do everything for herself, which of course made her mad at herself.

She walked slowly into the living room and sat on the arm chair.

"Morning Mikey" she smiled.

"Morning p" I returned the smile.

"I'm gonna go make some breakfast, do you want anything?" I asked her

"Nah, I'm fine for now," she said take the TV control from the coffee table.

I walked into the kitchen and Charlie was  asking toast.

"Morning" I smiled as I reached for a pan to boil eggs in.

"Morning Mikey, Is P up yet?" He asked.

"She's in the living room" I told him.

He continued buttering toast then put it on a plate and walked out.

Charlie's POV

I lifted my plate of toast and walked out of the kitchen.  I entered the living room, P and Zahra sat arguing.

"Zahra, I told you. I'm fine now, I've recovered, only a few bruises left." Parisa yelled at her.

"I know that's not true, you're still weak, we're here to help you P, stop being so selfish." Zahra yelled back at her.

"I'm not being selfish, I just don't want treated like a baby any longer" Parisa said, I knew she was close to tears.

"I'm not treating you like a baby, I'm helping you" Zahra yelled.

"You're trying to be a mum to me, STOP IT!" Parisa yelled, "mums dead, I don't need another mum!"

Zahra was shocked at her words, she stared at Parisa, "mum wanted me to looked after you" she spat out.

"Look after me, doesn't mean be at my side 24/7. I'm 22 I'm entitled to my own space" Parisa replied, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I hadn't realised I was still stood at the door, looking like an idiot, in shock of what was happening. I've never seen them Argue. I slowly walked into the room, Zahra was silent and just started at me, parisa was trying to hold her tears back but it wasn't working.

Zahra pushed past me and walked out. I turned to Parisa, her head in her hands.

"I didn't mean what I said" she cried.

I lifted her up and I sat down on the arm chair placing her on my lap.

"I didn't, honestly Charlie" she cries into my chest.

"Anyone want boiled egg, I made to much," Mikey cheerfully walked into the room. The noticing Parisa he changed his attitude.

"What's happened?" He asked sitting on the sofa eating his boiled egg on toast.

"I was a bitch to Zahra" Parisa cried.

"You weren't , you just spoke  your mind" I told her.

Before she could reply, Zahra walked in, "bye, I'm gonna matts" she said with a small suitcase in her hand and her handbag.

"Zahra wait..." Parisa jumped up and went to run after her but she was too weak, she was already in her car and driving away.

Parisa walked slowly back into the living room.

"I didn't mean to hurt her" she cried.

Her phone beeped as she sat back down on my lap.

She took it out and read the message.

Zahra: I was only trying to help! But when you need the help, don't come crying to me!

600 words exactly!
Haven't updated in a while so here you go!
Quite a quick little one but it's still an update.
Hope you enjoyed! 

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