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About a month later since the last Charisa chapter!

Parisa's POV

It had been around a month since Charlie moved back home, I missed him a lot. I hadn't seen him since then but that day was rememberable. His parents had treated him to a three week holiday which he didn't want to go on, I knew he was back yesterday. Even though we called each other everyday  I still missed him. His hugs, his kisses, cuddles, everything.

It was about midnight now, I lay awake in my bed thinking about everything that had happened today.

Today was the day I was told my dad had cancer, I couldn't cope with it, I lost my mum to cancer, I couldn't lose my dad as well.

I lay silently crying on my bed, I needed to talk to someone, someone that would understand my pain.

I lifted my phone from the bedside cabinet and called Charlie.

I had obviously woken him, which I really hoped I hadn't done, "hey babe" she groaned down the phone, he sounded half a sleep.

"I'm sorry to wake you," I tried to hide the fact I was In tears.

"I wasn't asleep" he lied.

"Don't lie Chaz," I tried giggled,  but all I could do was cry.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He headed me cry.

"D..ad" I stuttered, "ha..s g..ot can..c.er"

"I'm coming to yours now," he said.

"Stay in bed, I'm fine" I ordered him but he wasn't having it.

Within an hour he was at my door.

I opened the front door and he stood there, looking tired.

I didn't say anything, I just broke down in his arms.

"Parisa, calm down. Everything's gonna be okay" he soothed.

He picked me up and carried me Into my room closing doors behind us.

"He's gonna be okay" he calmed me as I sobbed Into his chest.

Charlie's POV

It was around 1:30am now, p was still crying.

I felt so bad for her, there was nothing I could do for her.

We lay on her bed, her head lay on my chest, tears socking through my thought my top.

He sobs slowly died as she fell asleep,

I fell asleep soon after, but all wasn't that peaceful........

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