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Parisa's POV

The last month has went absolutely pear shaped.

I'm not talking to my sister, me and Charlie argued a few days ago and we haven't spoke since, Mikey's taken Charlie's side and not talking to me And right now I've got a sickness bug, that I hadn't told anyone about.

I raced to the bathroom for the forth time in the last hour. I was so sick, it was horrible.

I whipped my mouth, flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth then went back to my room.

I lay down in my bed and buried my head in the pillow. I pulled the blankets over me and soon fell asleep.

I woke to presence in the room, well actually in my bed.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Its me who should be sorry. I've been creating so much drama lately" I told him.

"Don't blame yourself" Charlie told me. "It's just an unfortunate time"

I just nodded and buried my head into his chest.

"P, you're shaking. Are you okay?" Charlie asked me.

"I'm sick, really sick" I admitted.

"Why didn't you say?" He sighed.

"Well we weren't exactly talking," I sorta laughed.

"Can I get you anything, medicine? Juice? Chocolate?" He asked.

"Just surprise me," I said, "and another blanket, I'm freezing,"

"How can you possibly be cold, you must have about 12 blankets around you and the heating in this room is up full, it's so warm in here," Charlie laughed and chucked me another blanket.

He came back up awhile later a tray in his hands.

"Take the medicine it will make you feel better," Charlie handed me a packet on pills and a glass of water.

I took the pills and downed them with water,

"Chocolate and cuddles" he offered and held up a giant bar of dairy milk.

I nodded and he jumped into my bed beside and turned on his laptop sitting it on his lap and put Harry Potter on.

We cuddled into one another, sharing the giant bar of dairy milk.

Soon I slowly felt myself falling asleep on Charlie's chest.

So I haven't updated in a while,  so there you go, hope you enjoyed.

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