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Charlie's POV

I watched as Parisa walked toward her and Betsy's room, I knew how much she was hoping Betsy wasn't in there.

She opened the door making sure I was still behind her.

Betsy lay on her own bed staring up at the ceiling as we crept into the room.

She turned her attention to us as make a face and rolled her eyes.

Parisa fought back the urge to say something as she got her things for the night.

Parisa wasn't sleeping in her own room, she couldn't cope with being with Betsy.

Her and Mikey had agreed to swap rooms until they both left tomorrow.

Parisa got all her things and then we went into my room to see Mikey getting his things for staying in Betsy's room.

Mikey left and we got our popcorn and sweets and our bowl of melted chocolate with spoons even though we would probably just use our tongues.

"What Harry Potters first?" I asked holding up the Harry Potter box set.

"Start from the beginning," she said.

I stood up and put the DVD in the TV.

I lay back down beside P and she curled into me.

It was about half way through the movie now, we were both so full with sweets,

"Open," I laughed and held the spoon to Parisa's mouth.

We'd not really been concentrating on the movie for the last ten minutes more carrying on with the melted chocolate.

"I can't eat anymore" she moaned, with her mouth full.

It ran down her chin and she tried to lick it but she was making more mess.

I laughed to my self, as I passed her a tissue to while it.

"Pass me the spoon," she said.

We had only used one of the giant spoons, the other one was still lying on the bedside table.

Parisa's POV

He passed me the spoon and I filled it with chocolate and fed him it.

We carried on doing this until we literally couldn't swallow anymore.

"I feel sick" I moaned.

"Me too" he agreed,

"I've ate way to much" I curled into him and lay my head on his chest.

I slowly started falling asleep as we continued to watch the movie.

Charlie's POV

I looked down at Parisa, sound asleep. I slowly started to moved to turn the TV off and take the left overs and drinks off the bed. I tried to be as quiet as possible but Parisa started to stir.

"Charlie.." She stuttered sleepily, she caught a hold of my hand and pulled me back.

"I'm just gonna go move the left overs and drink and turn the TV off. I'll be right back." I said and kissed her head, she looked so heartbroken yet she covered up for everyone else. I'm glad she finally let me in, she never let anyone in about her personal thoughts and feelings but recently she's started talking to me and Zahra and I'm so glad of it. I hate to see her in pain.

I took the bowls of popcorn and the sweet bags and bowl for the melted chocolate downstairs. To see Zarah pottering around the kitchen.

"How is she?" Zahra asked.

"She was sound asleep, but she woke when I moved. We watched Harry Potter and ate tones of sweets" I replied.

"Thank you Charlie" she smiled.

"For what?" I asked totally oblivious.

"For looking after her Charlie, that's what I'm meant to be doing I'm her sister. Your her best friend.  I promised mum to look after her. " she cried.

"I'm not P's best friend. She's like a sister to me. Don't worry I have the same job as you do." I smiled at her.

"Now I promised I wouldn't be long, but my bet is on she's fell back asleep," I laughed.

And I was right. I walked into my room and saw P crashed out on my bed. I smiled to myself and jumped in next to her. I pulled the covers over us and soon fell asleep too.

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