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Sorry but I accidentally posted this before it was finished so all those who were lucky enough got a sneak peek at it! But here's the finished chapter! It's a requested one!

Charlie's POV

I spent the next few days with Parisa, it was nice being a couple with her, she was amazing. But today was the day I was moving home, like everyone had.

It was about 1pm my dad was picking me up at 4pm. So we still had about 3 hours together.

We were in p's room trying to pack all my stuff.

We skipped the folding part and just squashed it all in to the suitcase.

"Sit on it babe, so I can zip it up" I said to Parisa

She sat on the case and I yanked the zip around and it just managed to zip up.

She climbed off the case and I wheeled it to the side of the room with other bags I was bringing home.

"Promise you'll call everyday" she asked, I could see the tears in her eyes.

"Let's make a deal" I sat on her bed.

"You call me any time at all, I don't care if it's the middle of the night or what, just call. I promise I'll call you everyday. We can meet up a lot I'm a hour away. Promise me to stop crying, don't be upset, I'm just moving back home. But I promise I'll come stay" I said to her pulling her close to me and I kissed her head.

"I love you," she whispered into my chest.

"I love you too" I whispered back.

I leaned down and tilted her chin up and kissed her lips.

Soon enough she was lay on the bed me on top of her, and our tongues were exploring each other's mouths.

I slowly moved down her neck leaving a trail off kisses.

"You wanna do this, I have another 2 hours?" I checked my phone for the time.

She nodded And went to take my t-shirt off me.

I took her top off then her bra.

Within minutes we were fully naked.

Parisa's POV

He went further down my now naked body. Nothing but pleasure ran through me.

He positioned himself then entered me.

I let out a groan, I was really hoping we were the only ones in the house, we were so load.

Each thrust brought more pleasure into my body.

"I'm gonna.." I yelled and he understood and removed himself from me.

He entered me a few more times but we gave up when we reached our climax.

We lay cuddled up on my bed under the covers until Zahra shouted up the stairs, "Charlie your dad's here"

Charlie groaned and stood up throwing some clothes on.

I pulled a pair of pants and one of his jumpers which I had stolen from him on and followed.

We got to the top of he stairs and Charlie wrapped me in his arms.

"I'll call later, now stop crying" he said I knew he was upset too.

My lips met mine and we kissed,

"I love you" he said.

"I love you" I copied.

We took all his stuff to the car and loaded it up,

Everyone  knew about the relationship we had now, apart from the fans. I knew it was going to cause a lot of hate but we we're gonna have to tell them soon.

Zahra had vanished from sight and Charlie's dad was in the car when we stood at the door together, I handed Charlie's his last bag as tears filled my eyes.

He wiped my tears and hugged me.

The car horn beeped to tell Charlie to hurry up. He kissed me one last time then slowly walked away saying goodbye.

Tears filled both of our eyes, he was moving back home......

Sad Chapter, but a bit of intimate Charisa which was requested!

Hope you enjoyed!

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