Chapter 2: White Emergence

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Saku was preparing himself for the bio-duel against Jordan. The fight had attracted some attention. The audience being students watching from the upper floors, who seemed quite interested in Jordan especially. "Jordan is challenging that Stritos kid" "Stritos is so going to lose so badly" " I bet Jordan breaks five bones" "I bet six" the only person worried about Saku was Sophie as she looked at Saku preparing himself while Jordan spoke

"Right...this duel is set for three minutes" he directed Saku's attention to a red timer above them displaying three minutes "we'll start on the klaxon" the two prepared themselves as they waited and then with a loud buzzer the fight began.

Saku tensed his body while Jordan tensed his arms and brought them both close to his body "now...let's see how you do" without warning Jordan burst forward punching Saku making him stagger backwards. "Oh...too slow" he landed two cross cuts and an uppercut sending Saku in the air making him land with thump.

Saku began rubbing his chin while Jordan hopped from one leg to another "This is already going to be easy. I'm not even trying yet" Saku rushed forward and began thrusting blows but Jordan was effortlessly swaying his body and blocking them "nope, too high, too slow, not good enough" Jordan then grabbed Saku's head and punched him three times in the gut the third one sending Saku through the air.

Saku for the second time landed with a thump while Jordan looked a bit smug "This is going to be the easiest fight ever. I'd suggest you practise bowing and kneeling" Jordan than jumped high into the air and tried smashing Saku who rolled out of the way dodging the punch. Saku looked where Jordan had punched to see a deep indent

"That one...would've really hurt"

" least you're nimble and somewhat sturdy" Jordan looked at the clock to see one minute gone "well...two minutes to go" Saku once more stood up " turn up the heat" in a mere instant Jordan moved with blinding speed landing one blow after another punching Saku senseless before finishing with a left cross.

As Saku staggered backwards he heard three blips from his glove "well that sound means you're now at 50% of your pain threshold" Jordan said in arrogance "Well are you going to give up?" Saku groaned

"Dam this hurts. But no I won't quit" he prepared himself out of breath

"At least you aren't the giving up kind" Sophie was beginning to grow more worried "well let's resume" with that Jordan continued his assault.

Saku was being beaten in all directions, much to the entertainment of the public but the horror of Sophie. As Saku once again staggered backwards, Jordan had a wide smirk "alright's time for the rising upper" the crowd cheered as Jordan with one fist along the ground ran at great speed. His fist was glowing brown as he rose upwards smashing Saku into the air by his chin.

Sophie watched in great worry as Saku landed hard on the ground. All the crowd were cheering with Jordan revelling in the adulation. Sophie saw a holographic red 70% Saku's glove "he's now at seventy percent of his threshold. Saku you've got to back down"

"No...I can't" he said shaking his head "I won't give in here! Not yet"" Jordan watched him

"This is starting to get pathetic" said Jordan carried by his ego "look at're barely standing up straight" he said with a smirk "I guess..." he then ran forward "if you won't quit...I'll break you"

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