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  • Dedicated to Clarizza Kristel Gravador Villanueva


Shalala Lubcast!

I can hear my fellow wizards casting a spell to the titans running towards us.

It's quite a sad scene, seeing each and everyone doing their best to win this war. I can see bodies lying on the ground, and in a few moments disappearing. Whatever happens, we know, this is unending.

A cycle. After a few more minutes, everybody will be bcak on this battle field, uttering the same spells, doing the same tactics, stealing crystals and killing tits. Dying and being resurrected once more, and more.

Feris Fera!

I casted a barrier around me and levitated towards the sacred grounds where the crystals are. I can see the other Olympians fighting with the titans on our base. I sneaked out as fast as I can. Though I have great damaging spells, I know that I'm too weak to take the enemies' attacks. I floated as fast as I can to the nearest ark I can see, stole the sacred ark of ocean and floated back to the base.

“Base clear?” I shouted as I float near our base.

“Clear!”, shouted Rankanai. I floated to the nearest Olympus Ark to enshrine the crystal. Rankanai casted another barrier on me, doubling my defense. I proceeded with enshrining the crystal. The screen announced my enshrining.

"Way to go, Akineton!" Rankanai cheered for me. We did a high-five and looked around. No Titans at base.

"Should we go steal another?” I asked her.

There's no need to wait for her answer because right after I blinked, Rankanai was gone in front of me.

"You bet! Hahaha!", she shouted as she teleported to the Titan camp where the other crystals were, already enshrined.

I looked at the timer, 10 minutes more. Ten minutes left with this unending war. I decided to take a chance at stealing another crystal. I levitated towards the sacred arks, like what I usually do, I wait till one Oly gets the crystal, gets killed and I get the crystal from its original ark and bring it to our camp. On the way, I saw AxleBlaze.

"Same old tactics Axle?”, I asked him.

He grinned at me and waved his sword. "Get get aw!" He replied with utter joy. I laughed at his childlike gesture.

"I'll be the one who gets it.", I challenged him.

"No way, hahaha. But let's find out." He ran towards the arks. I ran after him.

The screen announced one Oly acquiring the sacred ark of mana. I camped at the crystal's home base, waiting for the carrier to get killed. I smirked at the thought. After a few minutes, the carrier gets killed.

"Mine!" Axle shouted.

Damn I was out of focused that he got the crystal first.

"That should be mine,amf."

"Well, it's now mine. Don’t go daydreaming during a war, Neton!" After saying that, he ran towards the base. "Let's go, support me."

"I know right." I said as I followed him.

On the way we met Elbee and he started attacking Axle. I casted an Ice dagger spell unto him, getting his attention off Axle.

"Run!” I told Axle as I casted another Fire bolt spell to Elbee. Elbee was so furious that he stunned me with his Godskill (Death Angel),which I hate so much because I am unable to use any of my skills for about 10 seconds and for mages, a 10 second stun is deadly. He took the moment to deliver his furious sword blows and I watch as my Hp drains. When I was back to consciousness, I drank an Hp potion to extend my life and prolong my sure death. Elbee delivered another blow, which damaged me a lot, I drank another godpotion but before I was recharged, he delivered his final death blow. I started to fall down the ground but before I closed my eyes and welcome death, I saw the screen announcing that AxleBlaze enshrined the crystal. Good job, I murmured. I closed my eyes.

And when I woke up, I was back at the base.

"Aki, let's steal the other one." I heard someone calling and when I turned to see who it is, I saw Axle.

"Sorry you have to go thru that death cycle with Elbee."

"It's okay; you had the crystal enshrined anyway, so my death is not rendered futile." I laughed and casted a levitating spell. "Let's go stealing baby!"

But just as we are leaving, we saw Rankanai from a distance, carrying the crystal and running towards the base. She teleported and was at the base seconds after.

“Guys-“ Rankanai said to us, panting from the run. “There’s still 2 minutes left, so I won’t enshrine this now. But there are titans running after me so prepare to defend.”

Moments later, a swarm of Titans comprised of Elbee, Whitetrim, Wisesword and Anytime came attacking the base.

“Defend the arks!” I heard Damsel shouting at the top of her lungs.

You don’t have to say that, I would like to blurt out but I kept silent and ran to the field. “Hey Ran, bubble me up!” Rankanai casted a bubble for the three of us and after receiving it, Axle and I ran towards the titans.

“Death, I welcome thee!” I whispered at Axle and he chuckled at the thought. We spent almost one and a half a minute of fighting the Titans, dying and resurrecting.

“Ran, go enshrine it, we only have like 20 seconds to go. We’ll support you.”

Rankanai made a barrier around her and teleported towards the empty Oly ark. Axle and I ran after her, attacking the Titans who try to kill her before she enshrines the crystal. As the screen announced her enshrining, the timer drops to zero, and the war ended.

“HELL!” I shouted. I sighed as we are transported back to where we are doing our quests. Different days, same routine. Is this even life? I thought. It’s a good thing we won that one.

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