Chapter Five- Power Leveling

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Author’s Note:

Thanks to all who read this story. Im trying my best to update this. Ive been busy with lots of things, hospital duty and a new MMORPG. Right now, Im trying to recall all the fun moments I had with Legend of Edda so that I can write as many chapters as I could. Thanks for the support. Im greatly touched!

Chapter Five- Power Leveling

Okay, so I thought that Power Leveling is easy like daydreaming. I was pretty wrong! It’s suicidal, one slow move and you’ll be dead. But the risk is also equivalent to how fast you level. Compared to doing repeat quests alone, questing in groups or in parties is faster and therefore, gives you greater exp in a small amount of time. Power leveling however, is the greatest. Since you get higher and greater Exp compared to group quests, and depending on how skilled you are, you can earn it in a very very short time.

Since most of us are in the levels 14 or 15, we are going to do Power Leveling on the Frosty Wind Valley.

“Okay guys, let’s all head to Frosty Wind Valley and there I will orient you with Power Leveling. Other members will be joining us. Let’s just meet up at the Return Point.”

We all watched as Naosuke slowly vanished into thin air. Wunchspunch followed after. We all rummaged our bags to get our portal scrolls that will take us to Frosty. After finding one, we all teleported and were in the Frosty Wind Vallet Return Point in no time.

“Ah geez, Im afraid I cant join today’s exp run.” Tsubame said as she scratched her head, as if suddenly realizing something.

“Well, why is that?” I asked.

“I forgot that I’ll help Miks level today.” Tsubame starts typing a message on her gadget. “He’s still a lowbie, I mean were all lowbies but he’s really really on the bottom of the list. I promised to help him.”

“I get what you mean. If you promised him, better go and help him.”

“So are you going back to the goldmine?” Laii asked.

“Yep, Ill head to the gold mines now. Hey, Na-O! Wunch! I’ll see you guys later.” Tsubame shouted as she teleported. She waved and blew us a kiss before she was completely teleported to the gold mine.

“So what’s next?” Laii asked Naosuke and Wunschpunch who are again doing some short PVP.  “Hey,stop that! Is that like- uh- your hobby?”

The two didn’t stop their brawl and continued with their fight. After killing one, they started another PVP. Im growing impatient as the minutes pass. I really want to laze around doing nothing. Argh! I waited till Naosuke ws defeated by Wunschpunch. As soon as Naosuke was resurrected, I ran and stopped  the middle of them. I stretched both of my hands sidewards, as if attempting to stop a fight and shouted on the top of my lungs. “STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!”

Nao and Wunsch both looked at me. I tried to sound really irritated, so that they’ll notice me. Men will definitely listen to an angry lady. “What are we doing? Is this your so called power leveling?” I stared at Nao then at Wunsch, put down my arms and crossed them on my chest. “Im getting bored. You’re the only ones enjoying. And hey, I don’t see my exp getting a little higher with what you’re doing.”

“Hahahaha!” Wunsch’s laugh echoed. “A little impatient aren’t we?” He put his hands on my head and started messing my hair, like what an adult do when making fun of a child.

“Stop it, argh.” I tried my best to make him stop. It seems that he enjoys seeing me annoyed.

“Hahahaha!” Wunschpunch just laughed. He then stopped, still grinning with my annoyed look.

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