Chapter Four-Upgrades and Dungeon Roll

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  • Dedicated to Jerico Paul Rodriguez

“There are about four things that the StrawHats do.” PosRyoma’s voice sounded like my Mathematics professor way back in high school. He stood in front of the Laii, Tsubame, LadyNaruki and me, as if discussing a special technique on solving a math equation.

“One, we help each other level up. Two, we farm and help each other with their gears and equips. Three, we do dungeons.” He pointed to the statue of a Godess on the center of the lower town. And last but not the least, we bully Titans! Nyahaha!” PosRyoma let out an insanely loud laugh. Weird, I thought. Who would love bullying Titans? Hmm…

“So, since we are already here, I guess we should try doing the number three.” He said while walking towards the Goddess. “The Dungeons here are quite nice. But there are big monsters! And there tons of loots you can get. Gold, treasure chests, experience.” He sounded like a greedy man who’ll do everything to get what he wants. PosRyoma grinned and waved his hand. “Come here and let’s do a dungeon roll. I’m sure you all have quests on the Hypit Cave.”

“Yeah!” The three of us exclaimed simultaneously.

“Kill the Loan Shark brothers, gosh, do we really have to kill them? Cant we just hurt them and make them promise never to do it again?” Laii, in her girly voice, said. It’s surprising to hear the sweet voice coming from somebody who is a warrior.

“Let’s go kill ‘em, it’s not like we’re committing a sin here. They respawn and they never die eternally. Like us.” Tsubame said.

“Yeah, that’s right.” I said while observing PosRyoma fumbling through his old coin purse. He picked one bronze coin and showed it to us.

“Whenever entering the dungeon, we need this, a bronze coin. We’ll drop a coin here, it’s like your fare because the Goddess will be teleporting us to the dungeon that we like to visit and raid. Come here and drop all your coins here.”

We approached the Goddess Statue and saw a small coin box beside the statue. It has a sign that reads “Drop your bronze coins here.” We dropped all our coins on the box and the Goddess Statue lit up. PosRyoma touched the Goddess and whispered a few words. “We wish to raid the Hypit Cave.”

After a few seconds, it felt like we travelled on a new dimension. The next thing I knew when I opened my eyes, we are in a different place. We are not in the town anymore.

“So this is the Hypit Cave?” Tsubame broke my trail of thoughts.

“Yep, this is the Hypit Cave.”

“Doesn’t look like a cave to me.” I laughed a little, trying to ease the feeling of anxiety that starts to creep in. Its my first time here, and PosRyoma said that there monsters here so, you know, they might kill me and I might lose some exp. Bleh.

“Here’s the gameplan, Laii and I will be the frontliner. Laii, we will be the tanks here while the mages will be do long range attacks. Got it?”

We all nodded. I grabbed my staff hanging from my backpack and prepared to fight. I glanced sideways and saw Tsubame doing the same.

“Don’t worry, we all have our potions right? And Im a cleric, so I’ll heal you as much as I can. Okay?”

“Right.” We all readied ourselves and waited till Laii and PosRyoma charged to the hypit men. We followed them, and started attacking the enemies from behind. Tsubame and I sent fire balls and wind blasts on the enemies, knocking them down. I saw Laii slashing the life out of the poor monsters while Ryoma attacking some of the monsters with magic or sometimes with his own staff.

I was enjoying the show that I didn’t notice immediately that three Hypit men started running towards my direction. I casted a firebolt spell and hit one but then the other two started attacking me.

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