Chapter One-Zapped to a brand new reality

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  • Dedicated to Naosuke Demandante

I don’t know this place. I don’t even know why I am here. What I remember is after logging in and starting playing a certain online game a friend recommended, I was transported here. Here- is a place far from my reality and far from where I came from. I am not even me. I looked at myself and sighed at what I saw. My hair was turned into white, my clothes became a robe of and why am I holding this freaking staff? I don’t even know how to use it.

“Hi Akineton!” A male voice broke my sea of thoughts. I turned to face him. Someone I don’t know, I thought. I looked at him and saw his name on the top of his head. So that’s how he knew my name. I smiled sheepishly and greeted him back.

“Hi Naosuke. How are you?” I asked, starting to feel a little safe with the unusual place around me.

“Im fine. You look troubled, are you new here?”

“Yeah…” I answered. I looked around and tried memorizing the details of the buildings and everything around me. “What is this place?” I whispered to him.

“Hahaha! Don’t worry, this place is safe.” He looked around and gestured his hand to the buildings around us. “This is the Gaiyan Town, where everything starts.” He laughed at what he said.

“Don’t worry, this place is safe, there’s no Titan here to kill you.”

“Excuse me? Titan? Kill me?” There was a slight rise in my tone. I’m getting confused with everything. I cant seem to absorb anything he says except the fact that we are here in Gaiyan town, and not in my room playing a game. I am here in Gaiyan town. Ha! That is quite too heavy and too great of realization to accept.

“Do not fret.” He said to me.

“Why not? I don’t even know where I am, why Im here, what this place is and then you go on blabbing about Titans trying to kill me?”

“Hahaha! I always get those questions from everyone who comes here. Hmm… How about we have a little tour while I explain the details to you?” He smiled. I nodded desperately. I followed him as we walk around the Gaiyan town. While looking at his back, I noticed the weapon he’s carrying. Those metals looked sharp enough to kill a beast or even a human. I erased the thought. We walked towards the fountain at the middle of the town.

“Okay, so let’s start. I’ll tell you everything you need to know. First, you are in a different world.”

“Yep, I noticed that the moment I arrived here.”

“What is your last memory before you came here?”

“Last memory you say? I was at the computer, logging in to a game my friend recommended. Legend of something… Aw.. Hmm..” I tried to remember the name of the game.
“Edda.” Naosuke said.

“Yes, Legend of Edda. While I was running the client, the screen turned black and I blinked. When I open my eyes, I was here. Right here, with this unusual and so unfashionable clothes and a staff in hand.”

“Everybody here was summoned for some unknown reason. Everybody here came without knowing why we are the ones chosen.”

“So you mean everybody here- I looked around and pointed my arms to the people running and walking around- were all humans who got zapped into this world?”


“Jesus Christ! And what happened next?”

“They are still here as you can see. Some stayed here far longer than I did. It’s a good thing you’re just new, you’ll get used to it.”

Codename: Akineton (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now