Chapter 2- New friends, New Worlds

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I was left wandering around the Gaiyan town, talked to some merchants and found out where to buy goods and other stuffs. Speaking of buying, I put my hand in my pocket and found nothing in it. Damn, no money, not a single coin. So how am I supposed to do a living here? I walked around and saw some blue exclamation points on the heads of some people. I found Crasen and took his job offer of killing some rats on the Gaiyan plains. Great, after freeing some rabbits, now I get to kill rats. Everything gets weirdly interesting. I walked towards the Gaiyan plains and met Victoria, who also offered another job which requires killing those rats. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone. I went to the place she directed and feast my eyes on the rats in front of me. These rats are quite fat, quite larger than what I imagined. At least here, I get to kill them without feeling guilty. I walked near one rat and hit it with my staff, casted a spell and repeated the same pathetic killing process of mine. I killed several ones, and I had myself leveled up. Hey, I think Im feeling a little stronger. I chuckled at the thought.

“Enjoying killing the pests, aren’t we?” I looked at the direction where the voice came from. It was from an archer resting under a tree.

“Haha, it’s only here where I get to kill and exterminate them.” I said while hitting one rat with my staff. The rat collapsed and died.

“Go kill them and I mean kill many of them so you’ll level up faster. Level up first before going back to town delivering your finished quests. That would be faster and much practical than running around the town collecting quests, and coming back here again and again.” He got up and walked towards me. I saw his name, it read Aruelle.

“Thanks for the advice.” Aruelle walked towards my direction and I cant help admiring the clothes he’s wearing. I looked at mine and sighed. I heard his laughter when he realized what I was thinking.

“Don’t worry about your clothes, you’ll get new ones from killing these rats, sometimes they give out gold and with that you can buy your clothes.”

“This clothes looks like they have been worn by several others before me. Looks like hand-me-downs and bargain stalls stuffs.” I sighed. I hit another a rat who came near me, and upon killing it, I got some cast iron boots which I cant wear. “You said we get wardrobes from these pests, but I keep getting the wrong ones! What will I do with this iron boots? It’s not even for mages to wear.” I threw the boots on my pile of loots on the corner.

“Go sell them, you’ll make money out of it.”

“You mean sell them to any merchant?”

“Yeah…” Aruelle rummaged my pile of loots. “Nothing useful for me here.”

“Course none for you; you’re levels higher than these mini-monsters.” I picked up my loots and placed them inside my bag. “Im done here, I’ll deliver these stuffs and sell these loots.”

“I’ll come with you.” Aruelle followed me and came with me while I deliver the quest items. I got rewards of potions and gold, skill points and experience points. I leveled up fast with what I did. We went back to Gaiyan town and sold the loots to the first merchant I saw. The gold sounded as my purse is filled with small amounts of it. I felt happy, so happy having this small amount of money. I can’t help smiling at the thought.

“So how many skills do you have?”

“Got one, the firebolt spell. Haven’t learned any other skill yet.” We walked around the town and rested near the Statue of the Dimensional Goddess. I sat at the ground, rested my feet for awhile.

“Eh? You haven’t met your master yet?”

“Nah. I haven’t. Too lazy to go to her now. I’m quite tired.” I pulled out the stuffs inside my bag and arranged them accordingly. Potions in one corner, gold in my purse, other loots I think were quite useful, I kept in one corner.

Codename: Akineton (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon