December 17th, 2014

27 1 0

I take a deep breath,
Telling myself that it's only
A small-scale concert,
But the fluttering panic rising from my chest
Says otherwise.
I'm trying to maintain
A small state of peace
Or at least something along the lines of it.
I had trouble getting my cello
Onto the stage with me;
I chose my steps carefully
As I headed to-
Another cellist..?
There are people waiting,
So I sit down quickly.
My hands are shaking, my heart is racing-
What's his name?
Is this the one everyone was talking about?
I can't think clearly
Until we begin to speak.
He's incredibly interesting,
And it didn't take much of a conversation
For me to realize what was happening;
To realize I was like the rain
In the sense that I was falling hard and fast
And it brought new life to me.
Red tulips and white primroses
Bloomed all over my heart.
We both knew we were in love.
We denied it, but we knew.
That day, everything changed-
And for the first time,
I wasn't afraid.
For the first time in my life,
Things changed for the better,
And the longer he and I spoke,
The more convinced I was
That I finally knew what love was.
I swore before then
That love at first sight
Absolutely did not exist in real life,
But I guess he did the impossible
Because somehow,
He made me start to believe in it..
And somehow, finally,
It was real.

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