Part 1

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The light cast by your headlights reflected off the mist and fog as you drove down the deserted county road. Normally, you would have just taken the highway to visit your best friend in Spokane, but taking the county roads was the fastest route. You had the radio turned down low so you could focus on driving. With the weather conditions and Washington's abundant nocturnal wildlife, you had to be on full alert. Your concentration was broken when your headlights caught a black car on the side of the road. You knew firsthand what it was like to be stuck on the side of the road at the mercy of Washington's weather. It was definitely not fun. You pulled up behind the car and grab your light jacket and flashlight. You stepped out into the chilly air and eerie silence. You slid on your jacket and turned on the flashlight. "Hello?" You call out as you walk around the black Impala. You do not hear a response nor do you see anyone in the initial vicinity. You touch the hood of the car and it is still warm. "Well, they couldn't have gotten far." You say aloud as you scan the tree line. Suddenly the silence was broken by an ungodly screech and then a man yelling, "Son of a bitch!" You pan your flashlight in the direction of the sound and begin into the woods. "Hello! Are you okay?!" You yell as you are enveloped by the trees.

You make your way through the thick brush to get to where you heard the noise. Shining your flashlight around, you scan the area searching for someone when suddenly you hear "Watch out!!" and are tackled to the ground with huge force. You open your eyes and find green emeralds looking back at you. "Hi..." you say sheepishly then suddenly remember they might be in need of help. "Are you ok, are you in danger...I saw your car..." The attractive man covers your mouth as he puts a finger to his lips silencing you. Your eyes go wide with fright, wondering what could be out there but for some reason you trust this man. He whispers, "Honey, we aren't the ones in danger and if you don't wanna be you'll be quiet and stay down. By the way, I'm Dean." Suddenly from out of the bushes a very tall man and something you can't make out roll onto the ground into a wrestling match. It's very dark, but you hear lots of grunts and punching. The tall man gets thrown against a tree, knocking him out. "Sam!!" Dean rushes off to take his place and the fight continues as you wonder what could have the strength to put a big guy down like that. You are worried he may be unconscious. You rush to his side as you are a nurse by trade and the safety of any patient comes before your own. Plus, you've had you share of danger and aren't one to just stay put. You take his vitals and see that his pulse is strong but he's just been knocked out. He slowly opens his eyes "Are you ok?" You ask. He sits up slowly and rubs his head "Yeah I think so, who are...Dean!" You look up to see Dean being thrown through the air and duck just in time. There is no sign of the attacker or whatever it was. Dean is shaken, but gets up quickly. "Did it get away?" Sam asks looking around. "Yeah, that SOB took my weapons too." Dean says out of breath. "It?" You ask, afraid to know the answer. "What was that thing, how was it so strong?" Sam ignores you, "Should we go after it, Dean?" "No, I think we need to figure out what we're dealing with." "Can I help?" They both turned to you, finally acknowledging your presence. Sam's eyes softened, "I'm sorry, I'm glad you are ok. What's your name?" "It's y/n, and who exactly are you guys? Do you run across this type of thing a lot?" Dean let's out a small sarcastic laugh, "You have no idea." "Well I'm Sam Winchester and that's my brother-" "Dean, yeah I know, he told me when he knocked me out of the way." "Just trying to keep you safe, sweetheart." Dean said with a wink. You felt your ears grow hot, but ignored it. "I've been pretty good at keeping myself safe so far." You said standing up and brushing yourself off. Dean put up hands in surrender, "Oh, my mistake." He retorted with a smile. You followed the brothers as they headed back to their car. "Guys I really think I can help with this, I have my own experience in this field, believe it or not." Dean turns to reply, but then you notice your car. "Ugh! No way. I just had new tires put on." You groan as you crouch down and inspect the tires that had been slashed by someone or something. Dean crouched next to you. "This thing or whatever we're hunting is a real asshole." He replied running his hand along one of the tires. "No joke." You mumble. "Well, we'll give you a lift into town. Tomorrow you can get the tires fixed and be on your way." Dean said standing and turning toward the Impala.

While in route to Spokane(A Supernatural fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now