Chapter 1: Pitch is Back

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~I do not own ROTG, HTTYD, Brave, or Tangled.~

The story of how they met and went down in history as the big four is what I'm about to tell you.

Jack's POV:

It was just my usual day and I was visiting Jamie. We were having a snowball fight with some of his friends.

I was having so much fun I almost didn't notice the northern lights, which a normal person thought of just as northern lights, but I knew better. The northern lights means emergency and all the guardians should go to North's workshop.

So I had to leave Jamie and head to North's workshop.

"Sorry Jamie I have to go. I promise I will visit as soon as I can!" I yelled to him.

"Bye Jack, see you soon!" He called back. With that, I left to go meet up with my fellow guardians.


I arrived, of course, last. There already was North, aka Santa Clause, Guardian of Wonder. Bunny, aka Easter Bunny, Guardian of Hope. Tooth, aka Tooth Fairy, Guardian of Memories. Lastly, Sandy, aka Sandman, Guardian of Dreams. Who am I? I'm Jack Frost, winter spirit, bringer of snow days, and Guardian of Fun.

"Jack your here now we can start," said North.

"Yeah, why did you call us here?" Tooth asked while Sandy made a question mark above his head with his dream sand. I forgot to mention he never talks.

"I called you all here because of this," North answered pointing at the globe, which show all of the kids who still believe in us. Each light represented a kid.

We looked over and saw that the lights were going out, fast! Also that the globe was getting darker.

All of a sudden the globe was covered in sand. Not just any sand, black sand, which can only be created by the one and only Boogeyman himself, Pitch Black! We all readied ourselves for whatever comes our way. Then all the sand just, disappeared, leaving a note.

The lights were still going out! Just not as rapid as before.

Bunny then went over an picked up the note. "It's for Jack," he said.

I went over and read it, I couldn't believe what it said.

"We'll don't just stand there tell us what is says!" Bunny exclaimed.

"Oh sorry," I responded. "It says:

-Yes Jack I'm back. I would be seeking revenge on you, but there's no point. You see you may not realize this yet, but you soon will. You will be useless without the others. You will soon start to feel powerless. So long for now, oh and say hi to the other guardians for me.-


When I finished no one said anything. Then Bunny spoke up.

"What does he mean others?" He asked.

"Yeah! What about Jack being useless?" Tooth then asked.

Sandy was making some shapes above his head, obviously confused too. We all looked at North.

"I'm not completely sure, unless..." he stopped. "No it can't be that."

"What?" I asked.

"Well it might be the... you know... other seasons." I was confused.

Sandy made a picture of the sun, a flower, and a leaf above his head.

"The other seasons, you mean like summser, spring and autumn?" Tooth asked/ translated.

"Yes, you see these particular people are not dead and then reborn. They are alive, but when they find out the truth they will instantly become one of us." North answered.

"But how do we find them?" Tooth asked.

"Why without them Jack would be useless?" Bunny asked.

"How do we know who they are?" I asked.


Sandy's POV

They were all bombarding North with questions.

I noticed Man in Moon or MIM shining above us. He is the chooser of guardians.

I was trying to get there attention but they wouldn't notice. I then noticed an elf and picked them up and shook them making everyone look at me. I then pointed to the moon.

"Well why didn't you just tell us Sandy?" North asked. I hate when he does that.


Jack's POV

"Long time no see Manny, what do have to tell us today?" North asked.

The light then shone on the ground and a crystal started to appear.

"A new guardian?" Tooth asked. Just then the crystal changed into three.

"Three?" We all asked, except for Sandy who just made the number three with his sand.

Now pictures were starting to appear in each crystal.

In the first one was a picture of a girl. She had fiery red hair. It was extremely curly and messy. Behind her was the word DunBroch.

Next was another picture of a girl with REALLY, I mean really, long blonde hair. Behind her was the word Corona.

Lastly was picture of a skinny boy. He had brown hair and appeared to be missing his left foot, replaced by a prosthetic. Behind him was the word Berk.

We were all confused, besides North, he was smiling.

"It seems we have found our other seasons!" North announced.

He handed me a snow globe and a list of the words behind the people.

"That is where they live. Just say the word and throw the globe. When you find them all bring them here. Good luck Jack."

I then whispered the word "Dunbroch" and threw the globe. A portal opened and I went in. I was then surrounded by light.

A/N: Thanks for reading I worked really hard on this chapter. I just love these crossovers! Next chapter we meet Merida the brave princess of Dunbroch. Write ya later!

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