Chapter 4: The Dragon Rider

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A/N: This story occurs after the events of ROTG, HTTYD, and Brave, but before the events of Tangled. I am not going to do Merida's accent to make it easier to understand. 

~I do not own ROTG, HTTYD, Brave, or Tangled.~

Jack's POV:

We came out of the portal in, of course, another forest. Why do we always end up in forests?

"Where are we now?" Merida complained.

"Berk. We are trying to find the last guardian. So stop complaining Ginger!" I said.

"What do they even look like? Don't call me Ginger!" She exclaimed.

"Um... all I can remember is a skinny boy with a prosthetic foot."

"Ok, where do we start?" Asked Rapunzel, man that name is long I think I'll shorten it. Hm... Punzel, no, Punz, no, Punzie, yes that's it!

"I don't know, but the portal brings us close to wherever they are. Ok Punzie?" I answered.

"Punzie?" She asked.

"Yeah, a nickname. Do you like it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I actually do," she said smiley.

"Ok let's start looking," Merida said.


Hiccup's POV:

"Come on bud," I said to Toothless my dragon. Yes, I ride a dragon, not just any dragon, the only Night Fury left. I was the first to ever ride a dragon. At first my village did not approve. It cost me my foot, literally, and saving everyone from the Green Death, a monstrous dragon, for everyone to start riding dragons instead of killing them.

Anyway, today I was taking Toothless for a spin, which I do every day. I clicked my prosthetic into place to control Toothless' prosthetic fin. We took off.

I clicked his tail so we were in a nose dive. Right before we hit the water I changed the position of the tail fin and we barely missed the water. I love to do that!

Now we were just flying around when something hit Toothless' tail fin, not the prosthetic one! We were heading straight for the forest!

"Ahhhhh!!!!" I thought I saw some kids before everything went black.


Merida's POV:

We were walking for about ten minutes when we saw it.

"What is that?" Rapunzel asked.

"Where?" I asked. She then pointed to the sky where we saw a large black flying animal. It was a dragon!!

"That's a... dragon!" I exclaimed. Wasting no time I took out my trusty bow and arrow and shot at it. Hitting it right in the tail fin.

"Got it," I said. The dragon screeched and came plummeting towards the forest. We all ran so it would not hit us.

When it was falling I could have sworn I heard someone scream.


Rapunzel's POV:

When I peeked up from underneath the log I was hiding behind I saw a big mass of black.

Merida was the first to get up and go near it. When she got close to it it growled and she jumped back a little. The thing, I mean dragon, started to open its eyes. The look in them I could not read.

Just then Jack got up and walked over to where Merida is. Merida walked closer and the dragon did not do anything. She took out another arrow and aimed at the dragon.

Before she could shoot it a voice yelled to her, "Don't Shoot! Please don't." The voice sounded to be coming from a boy.

A boy popped out of the bushes. He was small, had brown hair, a vest, and what caught my eye was a prosthetic foot where his left foot should be. He seems a bit young to be missing a foot. 

Wait, didn't Jack say the boy would have a prosthetic foot!

"Please, he means no harm," he said. Merida started to lower her bow.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Answer me first," Merida ordered.

"I'm Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third." He said. Merida and Jack both toppled over in laughter. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Ha ha, very funny, but it's not the worst okay!" He yelled. "Now who are you guys?"

"I'm Jack," Jack introduced while still recovering a little from laughing," and this is Merida and Punz-I mean Rapunzel."

"Nice to meet you," he said while looking over the dragon's tail fin. "Now, who shot Toothless?"

"Toothless?" We all said in unison.

"Yeah, Toothless," he said while gesturing to the dragon, "he's my dragon."

"Oh, well he's cute!" I said. The dragons face kind of reminded me a little bit of a cat.

"Thanks, now who shot him?" He asked now more sternly.

"I did," Merida said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Let's see, a giant dragon flying around, and I'm not going to shoot at."

"We'll thanks to you he can't fly now." He said while pulling the arrow out of the dragon's tail fin. "How am I supposed to get back now?"

I don't know if I should, can I trust them, I kept questioning myself. Ok, I'll do it.

"I can help." I finally said.

A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday, but the stupid update made it look like everything I wrote was gone, but the update today changed that. Anyway thanks for reading and what couples do you want to see, they won't play a big part in the story though. Write ya later! ;)

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