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*3 years later*

"And I promise if anything ever happens, I will be by your side every step of the way and I will give you all the support, no matter what. You may be irritating as fuck but you're my sister, and that will never change. I'll be there to conceal the bags under your eyes, I'll be at every session with you, I'll give you hugs and food that won't make you feel sick.. I'll be there every step of the way.. I promise!" Jesana said, lying down next to me on my bed.

"Here mana.." She said, handing me a tissue to wipe my tears. She then cuddled next to me again while I cried into my pillow.

"I - I can't believe this is ha-happening to me.." I stuttered.

"H-h-ho-w am I going to tell Na-Na-Dia when she gets back from sc-school.." I asked.

"Lola, it's life.. We will get through this don't worry.. Nadia is very understanding and she'll support you too. Even though Tristan left, we can still make it through without him don't worry.. I love you." Jess said.

"We should go fetch Nadia.." I said, wiping my tears and brushing my beautiful thick Portuguese hair and admiring it in my full length mirror. I plastered on a smile and went downstairs.

"I'll drive today.. Do you want to get something to eat before we go?" She asked.

"No, we should probably wait for Nadia, she'll be starving." I said, connecting my phone to the aux cord.

"Actually, let's stop at Starbucks, I'm seriously craving a venti iced caramel macciato.." I said.

"Starbucks it is!" Jess said, making a rough U-Turn.

I thought about this life changing event for a bit, and I started crying again. Jess looked at me and stopped the car at a nearby park and pulled me out.

"Hey, come with me.." She said, going deeper into the forest looking park. She found a bench and sat down on it with me. I put my head on her knees and she patted my back as I cried.

"Mana, this is the worst news ever, especially 3 years after mom passed away, I can't imagine how you feel.. All I can do is encourage you to stay as strong as you possibly can, and support you every step of the way.." She said.

"I just, I don't know how to feel.." I said, lifting my head up.

"Everything will be fine in the end, I promise..." She said.

"We should really get going.. We can get Starbucks on our way back.." I said, and Jess followed me to the car.

We arrived at Nadias school and we found her and her friends dancing together. I knew she was going to be a beautiful dancer.

"Nadia! Your sisters are here!" Her one friend said.

"Lola, Jessi!" She said, running into my arms as if she hasn't seen me in years. She was so cute.

"Hello princess!" I said, kissing her cheek. "You hungry?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I have sad news to tell you in the car though.." I said, and she frowned.

I strapped her in her seat and I sat in the passengers seat.

"So, Nadia.. What have you guys learnt in life skills about health?" I asked in the simplest way.

"We learnt that coughing without covering your mouth causes germs and you can get very sick!" She said.

"I've got bad news Nadia, I'm sick.." I said so she could understand.

"Did someone cough on you?" She asked ignorantly.

"No, sweetie.. I'm sick with something worse than flu.. I don't know how to tell you this.." I said, then looking at Jesana who had tears rolling down her face.

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