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"Jesana I cannot believe you've done this!" I yelled, pacing up and down the hotel room. Jesana sat uncomfortably on the bed.

"How do you lose a 7 year old?" I yelled.

"The same way you lost your virginity at 15, I was irresponsible!" She said.

"I don't know whether to be proud that you finally admitted that you're irresponsible, or to be mad at you for being a bitch.." I said.

"Go find our sister!" I yelled. As soon as I yelled that, there was a knock on our door and I went to answer it. There was a kind looking young man standing at the door smiling. I looked down and saw Nadia standing there traumatised.

"Oh my god Nadia, we were worried sick about you!" I said, dropping on my knees and hugging her.

"I found her wandering around the hotel crying. She told me where your room was though. You've got a really smart daughter.." He said smiling.

"Daughter? No she's my baby sister. Thank you so much for bringing her back.." I said, and I stood up and gave him a hug.

"I'm Adam.." He said, extending his arm for a handshake.

"Lola.." I said back, smiling and shaking his warm hand.

"Nadia gave me your phone number when I first found her, I tried to give you a call but you didn't pick up." He said.

"Sorry, that's because my bitch of a twin sister put my phone on silent and misplaced it in the room.." I said, giving Jess a death glare.

"That's Jesana by the way.." I said.

"Haha, well it was nice meeting you, maybe we should go out for coffee sometime?" He said.

"Yeah, I'd like that.. Thank you so much again, I'll give you a call as soon as I find my phone.." I said smiling.

"Only a pleasure, see you around.." He said, then left. I closed the door and looked at Nadia, then at Jess.

"The two of you give me stress.. Nadia, don't let Jesana wonder away, ok?" I said and she nodded her head.

"You're making Nadia act like my older sister!" Jesana yelled, standing up with a book in her hand that I was sure she was going to throw at me.

"Yeah maybe because she's more mature than you!" I yelled back.

"I cannot deal with you anymore Jesana you're so irresponsible!" I said, grabbing my laptop and my phone that was under the bed.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I need to get away from you, I need a break.." I said, nearing the door.

"Who's going to look after Nadia?" She asked.

"You are! Just try not to lose her this time. I'll be back in an hour.." I said, and slammed the door behind me. I checked my phone and saw a missed call from who I assumed was Adam, and I called him back.

"Hello? Lola?"

"Hi, Adam, uh I know this is a bit too soon but can we meet up somewhere, I really need to talk to someone other than my sister.."

"No problem at all, where do you want to meet?"

"Do you stay in the hotel?"

"Yes, let's meet at the coffee shop"

"Thank you, I'm on my way there right now, text me when you're there?"

"I'm already there.. I'll see you in a few seconds.."

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