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"Miss Soares, there's someone here to see you.." Said the nurse who helped me adjust my pillow.

"Thank you Amber.." I said. As Amber left, Nicole walked in.

"Hey.." She said, sitting next to me on my bed.

"Hey.." I said back.

"How're you doing?" She asked.

"I've been better.." I replied. "How about you?" I asked.

"It's not about me.. I came to say sorry in person.." She said.

I ignored her and I called Amber.

"Yes Miss Soares?" She said as she walked in.

"Is there anyone else who would like to see me?" I asked. She nodded her head and looked at the list of people.

"Your students all wanted to come and see you, then Jesana and Nadia are also here to see you, Robyn, Leigh, Christine, Bruni, and Adam" She said.

"I would like to see everyone of them except for Adam, could you please tell him that I want him to leave?" I asked.

"Sure.. Are you done, Nicole?" Amber asked.

"No not qui-" she said, but I interrupted her.

"Yes, she is.." I said. She looked at me, then left. Moments later, my lovely students came into my room with gifts and balloons and flowers.

"Hi guys! What's all this?" I asked.

"We wanted to spoil you and give you the best presents ever!" Megan said.

"Yeah! Anything for our favourite history teacher! So why are you here? What happened?" April asked as she sat on the couch.

"I got into a massive fight with Miss Porteous and my boyfriend, it got to a point where my lungs couldn't fill themselves with air and I stopped breathing, my sister had to call 911.. But I'm ok now.. It means a lot that you guys took time out of your Saturday to come and visit me" I said.

"Oh yes! We heard about the fight! We're really sorry!" Kiara said.

"It's alright.. So how are you guys doing?" I asked, then Adam stormed into the room.

"All of you, out now! I need to speak to Miss Soares!" He demanded.

"No guys, stay, don't listen to him. How dare you speak to my kids like that! I told you I do not want to see you! Get out!" I screamed.

"Lola you better listen to me! I am not leaving! Now listen!" He yelled.

"I'm not going to listen to anything you have to say!" I said, covering my ears. I noticed Nadia and Jess were in the room too. Adam grabbed my arm and threw me on the floor.

"Leave her alone!" Alyssa shouted.

"Lola you better listen and listen well!" He said.

"No! Leave me alone!" I screamed. Adam then kicked me hard, and I heard a crack.

"Ow!! Adam stop!" I yelled as he kicked the same spot over and over.

"Amber! Amber! Help!" Jesana yelled.

He kicked at my rib once more and I felt a sharp pain. Michael, one of my students, managed to pull Adam away from me.

"Is everything alri.. Lola! Why are you on the floor!" Amber asked as she ran over to me. I laid there holding my tummy and I let my tears flow out.

"What happened in here?" Amber asked.

"It's Adam! He came in here, demanded that we all leave, then pulled Lola to the ground and kicked her in her rib cage multiple times until it broke" Jess explained. Just then, the cops walked in and asked what was going on. Once the story was explained, they helped Amber put me on the bed and then handcuffed Adam.

"Ow.." I whispered.

"I can't... breathe.." I managed to say. Amber quickly changed the settings to 2 litres of air per minute, then called a doctor.

"Alright guys, I need everyone to leave, you can stay in the waiting area but the doctor needs to see Lola.." Amber said. They all left and the doctor walked in.

"What's going on Amber?" He asked. He was a tall good looking doctor. He had a jaw line that could cut an apple, and his smile was beautiful.

"Miss Soares has a broken rib, it literally just happened 5 minutes ago when her ex-boyfriend came in here and kicked her, Dr Kuna" Amber explained.

"Mmh, Lola do you mind lifting up your top for me?" He asked, and I did. It was my upper rib close to my boob.

"I'm going to slightly press it to check if it's a break or a sprain.." He said. He didn't even put any pressure on me when it started to hurt.

"Ow.." I said. He looked at me with worry in his eye.

"Ok, it seems like it's definitely broken, we'll have to fix that, I can operate on you right now if that's what you want?" He asked.

"I'd like that please.." I said.

*After the operation*

"Miss Soares, we have positioned your rib and it seems like everything is in order, it was a bad break but I fixed it. If there's anything you need, just let Amber know.." Dr Kuna said.

"I have a few questions I'd like to ask you privately.." I said.

"Sure, go right ahead.." He said, and sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I like to get to know people who have dealt with my body.. What's your first name?" I asked.

"It's Christian.. What's yours?" He asked.

"Lola.." I said, smiling at him.

"It's nice to formally meet you Lola.. What made you come here in the first place?" He asked.

"I stopped breathing after a fight with my ex-boyfriend and best friend.." I said. He nodded his head.

"Ah.. I understand. Otherwise, how are you, Lola.. What a beautiful name. Spanish?" He asked.

"Thank you.. I guess I'm doing fine.. And no, Portuguese." I said.

"That explains the nice smile and pretty eyes" he said.

"Thanks.." I said. He looked deep into my eyes.

"You're a beautiful young lady, Lola.." He said.

"That's so sweet of you.. Thank you.." I said.

"Here, take my phone number.. We should go out for breakfast some time.." He said.

"And by going out for breakfast, do you mean waking up at 8 and going to Wimpy in our pajamas?" I asked and smiled.

"That's exactly what I mean!" He said and smiled back.

"I'd love to go out for breakfast with you, doctor.." I said, and saved his number while he saved mine. He held my hand to check my pulse in between my index finger and thumb.

"I feel like that was an excuse to hold my hand.." I said laughing.

"I didn't want you to think I was too forward.." He said smiling. I held his hand and measured the size difference, and he slowly intertwined our fingers.

"Your hands are really warm.." I said to him.

"You've got tiny hands.. They're really cute" he said. I smiled, I could slowly feel myself getting over Adam.

"Thank you.. Your hands are swallowing mine.." I said.

"Dr Kuna there's someon- oh.. Am I interrupting something?" One of the nurses asked as she walked in.

"Oh no.. Nothing at all." I said.

"I'll be right with you, Nancy.. I'll see you Lola, try get some rest.." He said, standing up and smiling at me.

"Thank you, I'll see you later.." I said, and then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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