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March 24th

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nadia, Lola and me, happy birthday to you.." Jesana said, walking into my room with 8 year old Nadia. Jesana and I obviously shared a birthday because we are triplets with Tristan too. Nadia was born on our birthday because our mom had good timing, and she thought that it'd be easier to throw one big party each year.

"Thank you Jess, happy birthday to you and Nadia.." I said. Jess sat down next to me and Nadia.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm actually feeling great, energetic, healthy, happy.." I said. I only had to go for one more radiation session, then I have to go for tests.

"That's great, you've been doing so well.. What are we doing today?" She asked.

"It's Thursday, we have to go to work.. Nadia has to go to school.." I said, getting out of my bed.

"What about this weekend? Nadia is going away on a school trip for the weekend." Jess said.

"Yeah, tomorrow night and Saturday lets do something.. I need to get ready.." I said, going to the bathroom and getting ready.

Once I was ready I got my bag and put it in the car, made some coffee to go, then waited in the car for Jess and Nadia. Nadia jumped in the car and Jess followed her.

"You can just drop Nadia and I off at the primary school, and we will walk to your class when I'm done working.." Jess said.

"I finish at 2.30, what time do you guys finish?" I asked, driving down the road.

"1.30" she said.

"Ok come to my class then.." I said.

"Alright.. We need to go shopping to get Nadias things for her trip.." Jesana said.

"Yeah I know.." I said. I turned right into the school and dropped Nadia and Jess off, then went to the high school. I parked my car in my usual space and I got my bag out and walked towards my class.

"Lola, wait up!" Said a familiar voice. It was my best friend, Nicole.

"Happy birthday Babushka!" She said while walking next to me.

"Thank you my Nicki! Happy birthday to you too!" I said, hugging her tightly while walking to class. I walked up the stairs to my class, but it was locked!

I banged on the door multiple times because I was certain that my students were in there. I heard the door unlock and I opened it, but it was empty.

I walked in and put all my stuff down.


"Oh my god!" I yelled. My beautiful students threw a surprise party for me..

"Happy birthday Miss Soares!" They all yelled.

"Thank you guys so much! You shouldn't have.." I said.

"We all put in money and we got you this!" One of my best students said.

I sat down at my desk and she handed me my gift and I opened it. It was a Michael Kors rose gold watch.

"You guys! You must've spent a fortune! Thank you so much!" I said. I turned my head and saw Nicole standing at my door. She was wearing a green tutu on top of her leggings and she had a tiara on and balloons.

"My class also threw a party for me, I suggest we go to the auditorium and have one huge party there.." She said. A student from her class ran into my class with a bunch of balloons and a pink tutu and tiara.

"For you, Miss Soares! Happy birthday!" She said. 

"Thank you!" I said, and put the tutu and tiara on. 

"Are you and Mrs Porteous best friends?" Was a common question that our students asked, but we never answered, until today.

"Yes we are." Nicole said.

"How long have you been best friends? And how did you guys meet?" Was another common question.

"It's the funniest story actually.. We were born in 1984 which makes us 20 years old today, and her mom and my mom were in the same hospital room after we were born. The nurses came in with 2 babies, me and Nicole. Jesana, my sister, had to go for a check up because they thought she had a problem, anyway.. So the nurse handed me to Nicole's mom and gave Nicole to my mom, and my mom named Nicole, that's the name she wanted for me. Nicole's mom named me, because that was the name she wanted to give Nicole. We then realised the mistake when the nurses told us. Our moms thought it was hilarious, and we decided to keep the already set names. My name is suppose to be Nicole, and hers is suppose to be Lola. From that day, our moms were inseparable, until my mom passed away. We were automatically best friends because we always saw each other. So that's our story.." I explained. Nicole nodded her head.

"So, let's go!" Nicole said, dragging me out of the class into the auditorium as the students followed.

As she pulled me to the auditorium I got a phone call from Adam.


"Happy birthday baby!"

"Thank you so much my love! It means a lot that you remembered!"

"How could I forget! Can I come and see you tonight?"

"Sure, anytime that is convenient for you.."

"Ok, I'll see you around 6. I should get back to work now, see you later, enjoy your day, I love you!"

"Thank you my love, see you, I love you too!"

"New boyfriend?" Nicole asked.

"He's not my boyfriend! He's just a guy.." I said smiling at my phone.

"Who is he? Does he sing by any chance?" She asked as we sat down at the auditorium.

"Yup he sings!" I said.

"Adam Levine." She guessed.

"Maybe... Yes it's Adam Levine!" I said. I could almost feel my cheeks turn red, that's how hard I was blushing.

"Oh sweet lord! Adam Levine is fine as fuck! If he liked me I would definitely go for him.. Like, wow.. I'd let him take advantage of me even if I had cancer and I was dying on my bed!" She said. She then looked at me as if she was saying sorry.

"I shouldn't have said that Lola.. I'm so sorry" She said. I nodded my head.

"It's alright, Nicole.." I said.

"What I was trying to say was, I would do anything for that boy, I would let him fuck every last breath out of m- oh my god, I'm so sorry again!" She said.

"Maybe you should just stop talking Nicole.. I understand that you think he is gorgeous and that you'd let him take advantage of you but your ways of explaining it kind of offend me..." I said.

"I'm sorry, but honestly what I'm trying to say is you should definitely go for him if he asks you out!" She said.

I kept quiet for a bit, then I asked her something.

"Are you... jealous?"

"No, I'm happy for you!" She said. "I've been having a few problems with Jared though, nothing serious" She added. I furrowed my brow, then walked into the auditorium.


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