Chapter I: The Death Sentence

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I'm like a wild animal inside a very large cage...

I could only feel guilt and pain swelling in my chest..

I razed that city. I killed all those people. I destroyed their lives, destroyed their futures.

Numerous children were orphaned because of me.. Wives widowed at young ages.. Men suffering the loss of their entire household.. I caused them all.. I could only imagine the sorrow and pain that I had left behind.

But amidst all the heaviness and the burden I carried..

There is still one question that was left hanging.

"WHO AM I???"

Before I woke up beneath the burning sky, I had no recollection of my memories from before.

What's worse is the realization that I have no identity..

My name, my family, or how I got to that godforsaken place..

Immediately after my capture, the soldiers took me to the capital city. Investigations were conducted as to who I really am. But unfortunately, there were no records, no files showing any hints of my identity. But there is one fact that was proven. I am not from around here.

My appearance was very different from the people of the country. They were all Caucasians while It is clearly obvious that I am Oriental. I had long black hair and my body was covered with tattoos of ancient origin. My skin was a pale white complexion. But there is a distinct quality I have that other Orientals do not.

My left eye is pure blue while the other is blood red.

I went through a series of trials until finally, they decided to execute me..

On that unfortunate day, people from various neighboring places travelled to the Capital just to see my execution. The destruction I caused was the talk of the century. Everyone knew what I had done.

Everyone gathered at the City Square, patiently waiting for the "show." 

I, on the other hand, am still waiting for the guards to take me outside. I felt relieved to be dead soon. I could finally escape all my suffering. I am not afraid to face death for I deserved to die.

The guards then entered my cell and unlocked the shackles on my feet.

"The executioner has arrived." They told me.

As I stood up, tears came pouring down all of a sudden. Although I felt no fear of dying, I could no longer suppress the tears I had kept for days.

We travelled from the underground prison all the way to the surface where the people were anxiously waiting. It seemed like a very long walk. The path was a narrow walkway that led to a wide expanse where the people had gathered. The only source of light were the torches that lined the walls. 

The moment I stepped outside, the people began to cheer. There were thousands that had gathered to witness my execution. I bet the whole city came to see my head chopped off. Ignoring the hurtful words they continuosly threw at me, I closed my eyes and gathered my guts.

I could feel their hatred aimed at me. But their screams were of joy and happiness. For finally, justice will be served.

I walked over to where the executioner is. The man was huge and his face was covered. He was sharpening his axe, soon to be the object of my demise. Immediately he kicked my legs so I fell to my knees. He directed my head at the platform that will serve as the perfect chopping board.

After that, he quickly grab hold of his huge axe and the crowd became silent.

This is the moment where justice shall be achieved.

The executioner raised his axe and aimed for my neck. He was going for a quick death and a single blow..



I closed my eyes and held my breath. I was trembling I can feel it.


"Justice has now been served!" The executioner declared. "The demon that ravaged the city of Carath is now dead! Rejoice people! The demon is no more!"

The people rejoiced at the declaration of the executioner. Trumpets played as the people danced in harmony and victory..


I can still hear the people..I can hear the music and the dances of their feet. But ain't I dead? I was so sure that axe had killed me in one fell swoop.

I slowly opened my eyes and was in the highest shock to see my severed body with rivers of blood flowing from my neck.. My body and my head are now separated, but yet I am still alive.. I can see the people, I can move my eyes. I am alive!

And no one seemed to notice it yet until a scream of terror echoed all over the place.

"His eyes!" A woman shouted. "The demon's eyes, they're moving!"

All eyes were on me now. Their cheering had stopped with their mouths hanging. I could see the confusion and fear forming in their faces.

People began to scream and panic. The guards stared at me not knowing what to do..

Chaos filled the City Square. And again it was all because of me.

The ancient symbols in my body then began to radiate, emitting a light that gets stronger and brighter as seconds pass. Something was stirring inside. Something powerful. I could feel it in my entirety. Head and body.

As the people were panicking, a ray of pure energy poured out from the sky and into my severed body. Then the light emitted by my body exploded, covering the whole City Capital...

---End of Chapter I---

Again I am very thankful to the one that's reading this. I am still a rookie at writing but I am trying my best to express myself in the best way possible..

I decided not too name our protagonist in this chapter yet, but promise i'll name him in the next chapter :)

Thank you for reading^^

And please read Chapter II: The Prison Isles.. 

Feel free to express any suggestions or criticisms. I am open for scrutiny xD

Don't forget to vote :D

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