Chapter II: The Prison Isles

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After the light had ceased, I stood there in front of everyone with my body in one piece again.. All eyes were on me..

There was nothing but silence..

Everyone was confused and shocked. Even I couldn't explain how I recovered from the execution.. I couldn't explain anything. Not the light, or how my head returned to my body..

All I know is that I am not human.. I am not mortal..

The executioner slowly approached me. He picked up the shackles from the ground and placed them in my hand once more.

After that, he took me back to my dark cellar.


TIMESKIP: Approximately 200 years


200 years have passed since my "show" on the Capital City Square. The authorities didn't know what to do with me.

I had undergone various executions after that incident. they tried everything to kill me. I was butchered, drowned, tortured, crushed, burned, and hanged but I kept coming back. Eventually, they gave up and sent me to a maximum security facility instead.

If there is one thing certain about me, it would be that I am immortal. Sounds insanely impossible but it is the truth. No matter what form of execution, I will always come back to life.

I would have to live with the guilt and the sorrow for as long as time endures..

Right now, I am being held in the Prison Isles.

The Prison Isles consist of island chains specializing in the detainment of notorious criminals from all over the world.

It is located at the heart of the Aurora Concentration. Each island holds a certain level for criminals. My cell is located at a Fort inside the island containing the highest level of criminals.

Life at the Prison Isles is very hard.

My cell is enforced with a strong barrier along with a seal that prevents the usage of powers. I am kept here without food or clothing.

Every morning, a guard enters our cell for a daily "ritual." 

They torture us until we are unable to stand. The prisoners here are deprived of rights and most die of torture or hunger.

Instead of a normal bath, we receive a Winter Therapy. They throw us at a pool of freezing waters and leaves us there for two to three hours.

But the worst thing about this place is the use of the prisoners as a source of "comfort." 

Women are not allowed in this place. And in order to satisfy the sexual needs of the guards, they enter our cells and force themselves on us. 

But this only happens at certain nights.

I have managed to endure this type of life for 200 years now...

Over the course of time, I began to enjoy the pain inflicted on me..

But my stay in the Prison Isles was not all about redemption and suffering. I know that no matter how hard I try, I would never be able to redeem myself. But my stay here has brought me the ability to fully utilize and harness my powers.

Although I remember nothing about my past life, I somehow managed to regain my knowledge of combat and abilities. They would come to me in a dream and oftentimes, in a vision.

Sometimes, when I am bored, I play tricks on the guards. I would remove the seals and the barriers so that the other prisoners can escape. It would be like a game of tag with the guards chasing the escaped prisoners around the entire island. But the island is known for it's Advanced Detainment Service, so none had ever successfully escaped.

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