Chapter III: The Strength Of Two

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  • Dedicated to Micaiah Ortuoste Rodriguez

When I regained consciousness,

I found myself buried under a pile of rubble...

My cell was completely destroyed by the explosion and I probably have died and came back to life..

Things were looking terrible outside and I could feel very strong tremors from the ground.. Then I heard loud footsteps approaching..

It was Train..

"Hello" He still managed to greet me amidst all the chaos. "The Island is under siege."

Under siege???

By what? The monster I saw earlier?

"Celestial Beasts suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Luckily they only seem interested in this island." Train explained. "We should get going now. We need to evacutate this place."

Celestial Beasts?

I've never encountered such powerful creatures before but I've heard that these types of monsters are of the highest class. Not even an army of the most powerful Functions can defeat a single celestial beast.

"How many of them are there?" I asked.

"Seven." Train answered. "Now let's get going. If we come across just a single one of them, were doomed. Not even you can defeat them."

We were quick on our pace until we got out of the Fort. I immediately saw the destruction caused by the Celestial Beasts. The once mighty Fort that contained the highest of all criminals now appeared like a ruined castle that is about to fall anytime. The eastern part of the jungle that surrounded the Fort was also reduced to nothing.

The roaring of wild beasts echoed throughout the island alongside the explosions caused by their rampage.

"Scared?" Train asked, seemingly teasing me again. "Don't worry. You won't die anyway."

He's right. I won't be dying anytime soon.

Then out of nowhere, a huge floating Koi fish appeared above us.

"Great." Train sighed. "An A-rank. This will be a tough one."

"Run!" I exclaimed.

Train and I began running for our lives. I mean running for Train's life. But the moment we moved, the Koi fish immediately followed. It was hurling fireballs at us. It was very difficult to hide from the A-rank Celestial Beast because of the terrain.

It was quickly gaining in on us. And I need to think of a way to escape this very large predator. But Train suddenly stopped running and began to chant some indistinguishable words.

And at the same moment, the beast stopped and started to writhe in pain. A large seal then appeared below the beast.

"Don't hold back your powers." Train said. "I know what you can do. Do it now!"

Don't hold back? I've been holding back ever since I can remember. I don't know what will happen if I suddenly release my powers here without restraint.

But if I don't do so, Train might get killed by the monster.

"Hurry!" Train exclaimed. "I can't hold him much longer!"

Oh well, here goes nothing.

I dashed forward to attack the beast. I concentrated my power in my arms for a single quick-death attack. I jumped as high as I could and dived into the beast. Burying my fist in it's flesh. Then the ground below us suddenly exploded and I went crashing to the ground.

"Hey are you alright?" Train asked as he reached out for my arm. He helped me stand up.

Recovering from the crash, I immediately focused my attention at the location of the beast. To my surprise, it suddenly vanished and the ground where it was bound was seemingly dug up.

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