Author's Treat

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Yeah.. I know the title is kinda lame.. I couldn't think of anything better so please bear with me people.. :)

By the way, this page is dedicated to giving the reader all sorts of information that may not be mentioned in the story..

If you were wondering about the TREAT in the title bar , well, the informations I will give away are the treats.. Sorry if you were expecting something more.. ;)

Okay.. Let's start with the setting of the story..

As I've mentioned in the beginning of the story, the Azh'tol Ehlunja-el created different worlds that would form the Cluster of Universes.

>>Why did I use Cluster of Universes instead of Cluster of Worlds?

Well, in each Universe, there exist different worlds. There would be different galaxies, different planets, and different dwellers.

The Cluster of Universes is a very vast conglomerate of fictional worlds and to discuss each would take us days..

In fact, I made it so vast that even I couldn't explain it. Confusing isn't it? But let's move on..

The primary setting of the story is the world of Neo Skyla..

Neo Skyla could either be a planet or a dimension which is similar to one..

Life at Neo Skyla is similar yet also different from ours..

They have a very great sense if respect for nature. In fact, each city in Neo Skyla is built around on either a very thick forest, jungle, mountain, or bodies of water. They preserved the wildlife so that powerful monsters such as Celestial beasts would stay in their natural habit and stay away from civilization.

There are exactly 3 races that dwell within Neo Skyla..

The Humans, The Beastkind, The Feys.

While Functions are not really a race, but they are those people who can manipulate Grace. They could either be Feys, Beastfolk or Humans.

Grace is referred to as magic power.

There are also types of beings that are adamant in the Cluster of Universes.

They are the Celestials, the divine beings who reside in Heaven along with the Highest Crown, supreme ruler of all.

The Infernals, former Celestials who were cast out and exiled on the Fiery Regions.

Celestials and Infernals are involved in an eternal war.

But there is also a neutral race called the Aspects.

Aspects are anthropomorphic representations of emotions, catastrophes, events, and other activities involved with mortal activity.

They are the ones tasked to watch over the denizens of the Cluster. They maintain the balance between good and evil and are very important in the story lines.

In the Cluster of Universes, only the Celestials, Infernals, and Aspects have the ability to cross between worlds.

I will give you more information next time :) hope you enjoyed reading this..

Btw, on the right you can see an image of how I wanted Train Marius to look like..

Please read Chapter IV: The Woman in White

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