Chapter 4

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"OKAY CLASS! Today, we're going to start a project. This project is a 2 person project, but I'm going to pick your partners. This project will be about one of South Korea's greatest landmarks," said Teacher Lee.

Oh great, I just came to school less than a week ago and BAM! A project. At least it's a partner project.

"Partners will be posted in the front of the class. Please see me after class if there is an issue. Class dismissed," he said.

As soon as he said that, the whole class ran to the front board. I hope I had V hyung or J-hope hyung.

"Jungkook!" exclaimed V, "I have J-hope hyung! Who do you have?" What luck. The two people I want to be partnered with are together.

"I don't know yet. Lemme check," I said as I went in front of the board to see.

"Hye Mi, Hana, Ilhoon... ah! Jungkook with Areum! Ok! .... WAIT WHAT?" I said.

"Hyungg!!! Help!! I'm partnered up with Kim Areum!!" I quietly yelled while freaking out. And no, not in a good way.

"Really? Wahh, You are so lucky," V said while patting my back.

"Lucky?! Are you crazy?!? We have to do a project together and we have to meet up at either her house or my house. She would want to do it in HER house. HER SISTER HATES MY GUTS! I CAN'T BE WALKING IN THEIR HOUSE!!!" I yelled.

"Bro. All of Bangtan is scared of her. Even Rap Mon hyung! ... sorry maknae but you're on your own," said Jimin.

I'm screwed.

"Jungkook," someone said. I turned around and saw Areum.

"Oh, h-hi Areum," I stuttered. Aish! Why am I even stuttering?! STUPID, STUPID MAKNAE. >:c

"Hey," she said with a perky smile, "I just wanted to plan our work for the project. What about after school at my house?"

"shhhhurreeee...." I hesitantly said and she gave me a piece of paper with her address. Instead of seeing her address, in my mind, I saw the words, "DEATH IS COMING."

WELL. My funeral is about the come closer than I thought. (x . x)


After 457849235782 hours, I finally made it to Areum's house (with getting lost 4 times and making the wrong turn twice. Aishh...)

I rang the doorbell with a smile, waiting for Areum to open the door. Seconds later, it opened.

"Hey Areum, I was-" but it wasn't Areum... it was Hyori. My eyes widened in fear as hers widened in anger.

" Why are you-," she shouted.

"IMHERETODOAPROJECTWITHAREUMPLEASEDONTKILLMEEEEEEEEEE!!"I yelled as I used my arms for protecting my face before she could finish her sentence.

There was an awkward silence for a minute or two. I looked at her and she seemed annoyed yet perplexed.

"Come in. JUST. Don't make Areum remember you," she said. She's. So. Scary.

I slowly walked in the house with a bit of fear on my side.

"She's upstairs in her room, last room to your left," Hyori said.

"T-thanks," I stuttered.

When I walked up the stairs, there were pictures of Areum and her family placed on the walls. When I got upstairs, there were many pictures placed. Taking two more steps, I was dazed by all the pictures of them around me. Her smiles were in every picture.

"LOOK OUT!!!" someone yelled in front of me.

When I finally looked foward, I saw Areum sliding towards me with her arms out really fast.


In a flash, I was on the floor. I opened my eyes seeing Areum on top of me. She looked up and gave me her perky smile.

"Sorry," she said as she giggled.

We stood up and brushed off the dust from our legs and arms.

"What were you even doing?" I asked with a smile.

"Well.... I got these new socks.... and they're really slippery when I walk in them, so I started sliding around them and it's so much fun!!! ..... heh heh..." she said as she scratched the back of her head.

"Idiot," I said with a grin.

"Idiot?" she said with her arms on the side.

"YES, IDIOT," I said with my tongue sticking out, "LETS STart our project, shall we," I said as I sped walk towards her room.

"Jeon Jungkook! I'm not done talking to you!!" She yelled as she ran towards me.

I ran to her room and jumped on her bed.

"Ah, how refreshing~~" I shouted as I lied on her bed.

"Stop slacking, we gotta START our project today at least," she said as she sat down on her desk.

"Umm... wanna do a project on... Gyeongbokgung Palace?" I asked as I sat up.

"... not really," she said as she started to research some places to study on.

"What about...Changdeokgung Palace?"

" I don't wanna do that either...." she said.

We looked online for a good landmark for our project. It only took us 20 minutes but it felt like foreverrrrr.

"How about the N Seoul Tower?" she suggested.

"Mkay. Well, we started the project. Done. Can I relax on your bed now?" I said as I lied down again.

"Ohh finee," she said.


UPDATE DONE! I feel so tired and so lazy and so sick... ughhhh. PLEASE STAY TUNED IN FOR MOREE!!!

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