Chapter 7

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"Thanks V, sorry for having you pick me up and run to the nurse's office for me. I must've been heavy," I said while Nurse Hong helped me with my cuts.

"No *huff* problem *puff*, you weren't *huff* heavy at all *puff," he said while breathing heavily. 

I giggled at his remark, "Yeah right I wasn't."

"Alright, Areum. I'm done with your cuts but you should rest a little here before you walk again," said Nurse Hong.

"Yes ma'am," I answered. I looked at the time and it was already 8:12.

 Kim Taehyung, hurry to class! It's already 8:12!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, class! I forgot!!!" he yelled as he ran off to class with his bookbag without looking back.

"DON'T GET HURT!!!" I yelled while smiling. I looked down on the floor and noticed something. V's key's. He left them here.

"Aish, this idiot, forgetting things everywhere," I said. There were cute little keychains connected to it, like a pororo keychain and a butterfly keychain. I smiled at his childish personality he has.

Someone knocked on the door as I picked up his keys. It was Jungkook.

"Good Jungkook, what brings you here?" asked Nurse Hong.

"I have a huge headache, it's been hurting ever since I woke up," he answered. 

"Ok, just lie down on the second bed and rest for a while," she said.

Jungkook walked to the bed and lied down to sleep.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit, you guys don't cause trouble, ok?" said Nurse Hong

"Yes ma'am," we said. 

10 minutes later, I got bored, so I lied down on the side of my body facing Jungkook. I wanted to bother him >:)

"Heyyyy," I whispered, "Jungkooooook. Are you awaaaaaake?"

"No," he answered. Dangit, he's awake.

"Can I bother youuuuuu" I whispered back. He lied on the side of his body facing towards me with his eyes still closed.

"Why," he asked while opening his eyes.

His eyes. 

His beautiful dark brown eyes. 

It was hypnotizing. 

His eyes showed a tint of sadness, but I couldn't read the rest. What bothers me the most was, I saw these pair of eyes before, I know it.

"What, is something on my face?" he asked.

"No... it's just-" I said until  a flash of memories came running through my head. I winced in pain as I sat up and held my head towards my knees.

"A-areum?! Are you okay?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"S-shh... you're too loud. I'm f-fine," I said trying to not sound in pain.

"Areum. Look at me," he said a bit worried. I refused to. I didn't want him to worry.


Pictures of people were running through my head. 

People laughing at me, throwing stuff at me,  yelling at me.

Then I saw it.

The boy


I have to know him. Why do I always see him?! What does he want?!?

"AREUM!!!" yelled Jungkook. He quickly jumped to my bed and sat in front of me. He held my arms and tried to remove my hold against my head.

"N-no wait," I said while fighting him.

"Look at me," he said loudly.

"W-wait stop," I said a bit louder.


"STOP!!" I yelled, and both of us stopped fighting. We had eye contact when we stopped.

His eyes were trying to read my eyes. His eyes had worry and fear. But the rest were unreadable.

I didn't know what made me, but I burst into tears.

"A-areum. Why...." he asked but I kept on crying.

I was so scared. 



Jungkook POV

"A-aruem. Why...." I asked but she kept on crying.

It hurts me when she cries. I already lost her before, I can't lose her again.

I pulled her into a hug so she can feel better.

"Don't cry, ok?" I said as she continued crying.

Every tear that ran down her face felt like 50 knives stabbing me. It hurts so much to see her cry.


I ran to class as quickly as I can to Mr. Park's class.

"Kim Taehyung! Why are you late?" he asked.

"Areum got hurt and I had to bring her to the nurse's office. I lost track of time as I was as the nurse's office. Chesohamnida," I said while bowing down. 

"Ok, you may sit down. By the way, pass up your homework," he said.

"Ah, I put it on a flash drive, may I print it out?" I asked.

"Of course, use my computer."

I looked for my flash drive in my bookbag, but it wasn't here. Can't be! My flash drive is with one of my keychains on my keys! Maybe I left it in the nurse's office?

"Sir, may I go to the nurse's office? I think I left my flash drive there." I said.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time to spare Kim Taehyung," he said.

"Yes sir," I said as I ran out the door to the nurse's office.

"Good morning, Ms Hong, nice to see you again!" I said as I was running to the office.

As I was at the corner to the door, I cries and talks. Areum? But who was she talking to? Can't be the nurse. 

"A-aruem. Why...." the person said. 

He then put her into a hug and comforted her.

"Don't cry, ok?" he said. 

Jungkook. I would know that voice wherever I was.

It's always him, wherever I go. It's always him when I'm trying to be by her side.

It's always him.

Anger rose through me, but then diminished.

It's not his fault. It's just fate. Why am I mad at something that I can't even touch. I'm such an idiot. Fate says that we're just not meant to be. And I can't change the fact, I just have to endure it. 

I turned around and walked back to class.

I'll just say I forgot my homework. 

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