Chapter 6

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"C'mon Areum-ah! You're too slow!!"

"Hurry Up!!!"

"Run faster!!!"

I ran and ran, as fast as I can to the finish line. 

"Aaaaand... AREUM IS THE WINNER!!! She will now go to the finals," announced Coach Park.

"Great job Aruem!" exclaimed Namjoon.

"You were really fast out there," said Jin.

"Good luck on the finals!" yelled Jimin.

"Okay! Now for the finals!" yelled Coach Park, "Kim Taehyung VS Kim Areum. Is everyone ready?"

"Yes," V and I said.

"On your mark, get set, GO!" 

We ran as fast as we can. V got faster and went ahead of me.

"GO GO AREUM, GO GO GO!!" a voice yelled. I couldn't seen to figure out who.

Turning my head around, I saw a white figure jumping up and down. While I was trying to figure out who it was, I fell. A huge cut was made on my knee.

"Areum! Areum!" the voice yelled again. I couldn't feel any pain. Only curiosity was flowing through my head. 

"Areum! Areum!!!"

I woke up in my room. Hyori was yelling at me to wake up.

"Finally! You sleep like a pig!" she yelled. 

"Wow, thanks." I said while yawning. 

"Hurry  your ass up! It's Monday!" I looked at the time, and it was 7:45 and class started at 8:00.


In five minutes, I got ready for school and ran out the house.

"7:50. I can make it if I run," I said. Passing one street to another, I ran to school.

"Haha, you woke up late too?" someone asked as I waited for a street light to turn green. It was V.

"Yeah... I'm actually running to school right now. Hey, wanna have a race to school?" I asked.

"You're on," he said.

We got ready on the sidewalk, waiting for the light to turn green. When it turned green, only one word came up my mind.


From one street to another, we ran to school together. Adrenaline was rushing through my body. It was like 4th grade all over again. At one time, V went in front of me. It was 7:55. We were almost at school. 

"V! Wai-" I said as I stumbled and fell. 

"Areum!" he yelled as he stopped his tracks and ran to me. There was a huge cut on my arm and knee. 

"Let's go to the nurse Areum," V whispered in my ear. I nodded in pain. Quickly, he picked me up in a bridal way and brought me to the nurses office. 

Jungkook's POV

"V! Wai-" I heard someone yell. Areum. I ran towards the corner and saw Areum hurt on the floor. I was about to yell her name until someone else already did.

"Areum!" yelled V. He ran towards her observed her cuts in shock and fear. He whispered something in her ear. Then, he picked her up and ran inside the school. 

My heart ached in some way. 

Jealousy? Can't be...

But it should've been me that helped her. It should've been me who brought her inside the school. 

But I was too slow...


Before, it was Jungkook by her side. It was Jungkook who she would always talk about. It was him who helped her clean her cuts. I was too slow to run to her. 

To help her.

To confess to her.

But now, it's me who ran to her. It's me who is by her side. 

It's me who will love her.


It's been a while. Sorry >~<

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