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Severus woke up that morning already dreading getting out of bed. He groaned softly,"Lovely," he thought,"Just lovely. Everyone already looking at me differently, I mean I'm practically a god, that outburst just added unnecessary fuel to the fire."

He rolled out of bed, grabbing a change of muggle clothes and headed to the bathroom for,probably, the only 10 minutes of peace he was going to get that day. He cast a charm to dry his hair, pulled on a green polo shirt and jeans, as well as a pair of tennis shoes, and walked to the great hall for a little breakfast before Albus decided what he had to do today, "Honestly, that man could put any mother to shame! He's running my life! Meetings, meetings, meetings! It better not last much longer. I just want to be plain Severus Snape again, 22 year old, newly named youngest potions master." he thought, the rant in his head continuing to run like flaming arrows through his head, "Ok, maybe that wasn't the best example. I guess I've never been normal." He smirked softly. Entering the Great Hall swiftly, many students had gone home for the holidays so the room was fairly empty. He walked up to the first open chair at the head table, coincidentally next to Dumbledore, he had just started eating when owls started swooping overhead. "Uh-oh," he thought, and then waited for one to come his way.

AN: Sorry it's been a while and that it's so short! I've had lots of homework and sports going on so that's also why it's so short. I'm tired and I'm starting to get writers block. If you've got an idea for me please tell me! Till next time! :-)

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