Start of Something New

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(Eight months later)

Severus smiled as he dragged the last of his things down to his rooms, they were near the dungeons, where his classroom was located. It was late August, a few days before the students would arrive. He placed his bags on his bed, his rooms were rather bleak in color and lacking in warmth. He would worry about that later. His bedroom was dark bricks and a small lamp on a table and fixtures on the wall that glowed eerily as did the rest of his quarters.

He walked to the Great Hall and grabbed a small breakfast before heading outside to grab a minute of peace before final preparations began. He saw a flash of red from the corner of his eye, turning to the left a little he saw Lily sitting at the edge of the lake deep in thought. He walked up behind her and sat down.

"Hello," he said turning his head to look at her face, "Hello, really! That's the best you could think of, seriously!"

"Hi," she whispered, not turning around.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Nothing," she said softly, still not looking at him.

"That's rubbish and you know it," he stated, "Is it Harry?" he knew she had left the little boy with her parents.

She nodded,"I'm worried about him, I know I shouldn't be, my mum knows what she's doing but I can't help it!"

"It's perfectly natural to be worried about him, it's the first time you've been away from him for an extended period of time," Severus said as he pulled her closer.

She leaned into him," Thanks, Sev, I knew you'd listen."

She turned to face him the minute he went to place a small kiss on her cheek, instead of her cheek he ended up placing a small kiss on her lips.He pulled away immediately and began stumbling through an apology,

"Oh my god, Lily, I am so sorry!" he exclaimed looking down. "No you're
not," his heart told him,"You didn't mind it one bit."

Instead of saying it was ok and forgetting it ever happened, she smiled and kissed him again, "I'm not," she said, smiling," If you hadn't called me a mudblood in fifth year I was going to ask you to go to the Yule ball with me."

He looked down," I'm so sorry about that Lily, I wanted to apologize the minute I said it, but Avery was there so I couldn't and then when I waited outside your common room you wouldn't come out so I figured you didn't care any more." A small tear ran down his face as he looked back up at her.

Her green eyes were also full of tears," I was just mad, I cooled down in the morning but my friends wouldn't let me near you and you were ignoring me," she wiped a tear off his face," But, none of that matters now, we're together and everything's going to be alright."

She stood up, pulling him with her and said," Come on, only one more day before the students arrive."

They went back inside, feeling happier than they ever had before.

AN: ok, you had to know this was coming, J.K Rowling said that if given a second chance, that Snape would choose Lily, I gave him that chance. I'm a hero!:-)

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