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    Severus woke up feeling happier than he had in years, everything felt right to him. It was the first day of the new school year and he was really nervous,"What if I don't do well, or act like an idiot?" He shook his head sharply,"Those thoughts just won't do Snape, you know you can work this out! Snap out of it man!"

      He got dressed in some jeans and a dark green polo shirt, the students didn't arrive until after six o'clock at least, he had some time to relax. He went to the Great Hall and grabbed a seat between Dumbledore and Lily. Albus didn't waste a minute and jumped straight into a conversation with him,

"Now, Severus, when I introduce you as a teacher, like I always do for new teacher, just stand up, wave, bow, do whatever you want, there will probably be more cheering for you but just take it in stride, okay?"

"Alright, Albus, I'm a big boy, I can handle myself,"

At this point Lily swatted him on the shoulder,"Severus listen! He's trying to help you dummy!"

He smiled,"I know Lily, I was just teasing,"

He ate the rest of his breakfast before retreating to his classroom to set things up for tomorrow's classes, "You can never be to early," he thought to himself as he set the last cauldron up. Tap-tap, he turned around. Lily was leaning against the doorframe,

"Setting up, I see?" she commented

"Yep, I needed something to do," he walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss, "You set up yours?"

"No, I decided to wait a little longer," she smiled, " Are you going to shower, you can't look like a dungeon bat on your first day."

"Ugh," he groaned," I was hoping you wouldn't notice,"

She smirked," Sev, girls know these things, it's 12:00 now, take a nice long shower, I mean long, and change into your robes for the start of term feast, that should be 1:00 when you finish if you do a good job. If you don't I'll make you do it again. When you're done by my standards, you can help set up my classroom, ok?"

"Fine, see you soon," he said as he turned and walked to his room to get ready to shower.

     2 hours passed and he was finally done to Lily's standards. It was now two and he was dressed in dark dress robes with his hair pulled back. He had to help set up the Great Hall with the other professors. Everyone was assigned a seat, his was, coincidentally, where he had eaten breakfast that morning. They set up the tables and a few decorative pieces along the bare stone walls, after that they did a final sweep of the castle to make sure everything was in its place and find/disable any pranks Peeves had decide to set up over the course of the summer.

By the time they finished the first carriages could be seen in the distance. They all hurried to the Hall, except Professor Mcgonagall who went to greet the first years in the main hall. He could feel the gazes and whispers cast his way by the students, specifically the older years. He turned towards Lily and grasped her hand,

"Ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be," she whispered.

Professor Mcgonagall walked in with the first years and proceeded to sort them quickly. Dumbledore stood and started his beginning of year speech.

"My dear friends, the start of a new year is upon us! And what a glorious year it will be! Before I start badgering, let us welcome a few new teachers to this great school." He paused slightly," As a new charms teacher we have, Professor Lily Evans!" Lily stood for a few seconds as a polite cheering filled the room.

She sat down as Dumbledore spoke again," Now we have a new potions professor as well, someone who I'm sure you've all become familiar with in the past year, Professor Severus Snape!"

AN: cliffie, you mad? Is this a good chapter?

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