chapter 3

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"Seriously can you shut up?" I ask with a groan as the guy behind me pushes deeper inside me, gripping my hips with sweaty calloused hands.

"Fuck...I'm coming." The guy whose name I don't remember gasps.

"That's fucking awesome but I'm not. So either jack me off or get out of my ass." I say in irritation. Honestly this is exactly why I don't hook up with guys at my school. They're all terrible in bed and annoying. The doofus reaches around to grab me and quickly and clumsily jerks me off.

I come without a sound, unlike whatshisface, who is a moaning mess on top of me. In disgust, I push him off me.

I had brought the guy to an empty classroom before 2nd period because I was bored, but after that sex, I really wished I had just gone to class.

"Listen kellin, that was seriously great, but please don't tell anyone. I'm not out yet, and my friends..."

I pull up my pants and sneer at the pretentious idiot in front of me.

"First of all, I would never want to brag about what we just did. It was terrible. Second, I give no fucks about whether or not you're out of the fucking closet. If I want to tell someone I will." With that, I turn and leave the guy naked and stunned in the classroom.

This is why I hate people. They're all idiots.

I go down the hall to my locker to grab my backpack, and then debate on whether or not to go to second period. I hate school. But not because I'm bullied or anything, even though people could bully me I guess. I'm an openly gay guy who wears way to much black and listens to music that is made up of screeching guitars and screams. No, I'm not bullied I just hate school because I hate people.

"Kellin! You're not in class great." I turn to see Justin, a friend I guess. I don't particularly mind his presence and he likes to do fun things so I associate with him at school.

"Yeah why what's up? You and Gabe have anything planned?" I ask in curiosity, throwing my backpack back in my locker. Screw class, I'd rather have a little fun.

"Yeah. We heard some guys having sex in room 234. We could go make their lives hell." Justin suggests but I just laugh and shake my head.

"That was me. But I bet the guy is still there. He doesn't want to come out as gay. We could go fuck with him."

Justin smiles with a sinister look in his eyes, something I enjoy seeing. "Sounds good. Gabe and Jesse are in the bathroom smoking. Let's grab them." Justin barely waits for a response before running off. I chuckle to myself and follow behind him. I'm guessing Justin is already high, which isn't uncommon. I like doing illegal things, but drugs have never really been my thing. I prefer to be clear minded.

Opening the door to the bathroom, I'm enveloped in a cloud of smoke.

"Are you idiots trying to set off the fire alarm?" I ask sitting down on the floor beside a very high Gabe.

"No. where you been Kells? Have anything fun to do?" Jesse asks, his eyes glazed over.

"Don't call me that again ever. And having sex." I shrug shamelessly.

"Was it any good?" Gabe asks, taking a hit off the freshly rolled blunt.

"No. so I think we should let everyone know. A PSA."

"Sounds good. What were you thinking?" Justin asks.

I'm silent for a while, thinking. I don't like doing minor things. If I'm going to do something public, I want it to be huge. Go big or go home or whatever. I want to do something that's going to really mess this kid up. I want to see him cry.

"What if we handcuff him in the cafeteria? Naked." I ponder aloud.

"Who?" Gabe asks stupidly.

I roll my eyes but answer anyways. "The guy I slept with. He was terrible and deserves to suffer for wasting my time."

"Your terrible kellin. Let's do it." Jesse says jumping up to quickly and stumbling. He rights himself with a laugh.

We find whatshisface still in the classroom, unfortunately dressed.

"Hey kellin- wait what's going on?" he asks a slight panic taking over his tone. I smile in as friendly a way as I can muster and strut over to him, lifting myself up on the teachers large desk and throwing my arm causally around his shoulder.

"Just thought I'd come and chat." I say in a soothing tone.

"Ok...and what are they doing here?" the panic in his voice is raising and I know he's about to make a run for it at any second.

"To hold you down." As soon as the words are muttered, the three boys grab whatever his name is, pinning him down. He of course starts screaming so I punch him, not that hard, but he shuts up.

"What the hell Quinn?" he yells, his face contorting in rage.

"Shut up. Take his clothes off." I command the boys, watching the guy squirm as they rip his clothes off, non to gently. I guess it's weird that I don't feel any sympathy for the guy, who's laying there, now naked, and pleading for us to leave him alone.

"Does anyone actually have handcuffs?" I ask once the guys managed to tie the naked nameless boy up. I'll admit, I know what we're doing is pretty awful, but he deserves it. This will definitely make him think twice before having sex when he has no idea what he's doing.

"Yeah I got some in my locker." Justin admits.

"You kinky bastard. Hurry up and get them. We've got to get him in the caf before lunch." Justin hurries from the room with a nod. He's such a weird guy.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" the guy spits at me, his eye already turning dark due to the punch he received. I shrug. Really there isn't a good reason except that I want to. I want to see this guy in pain.

"You sucked in bed, well I guess on the desk, but you get the point."

"God you're an asshole. You know all this shit you do is going to come back to get you."

"Great. Thanks for the tip." I say looking at my nails. Justin comes back a moment later, dangling a pair of handcuffs off his fingers. I smile and jump off the desk.

"Ok let's get him to the caf before we're caught."

Jesse, Gabe and Justin carry a struggling nameless guy down the hall to the cafeteria while I watch out and make sure we aren't caught.

"Ok let's handcuff him around that poll over there." I point to a poll that's in the middle of the room.

"Seriously just let me go. I won't say anything." The guy pleads. I ignore him and Gabe and Jesse drag his skinny frame over to the poll, handcuffing his arms behind him and around the poll.

"Aren't you on parole kellin? You'll go to jail. This isn't worth it. Please let me go." The guy starts to beg, his eyes getting glossy with tears. There's the face that I've been looking for. His pain brings a smile to mu face as I walk over to him so we're almost nose to nose.

"No I won't. You won't tell anyone that I did this or I will kill you. Do you understand?" I ask barely above a whisper. The guys face turns white and he nods quickly.

"great." I back up and turn to the guys.

"Why don't we leave the students a message?"

After breaking into the kitchen and stealing bottles of ketchup and mustard I stand back from the distressed nameless guy and admire my work.

'I put my dick in a guy's butt and he didn't feel it' was written messily on his chest with condiments.

"Maybe you should just be straight. Or just don't have sex." I smirk, tossing the bottle of ketchup down.

"Your fucking sick!" the guy yells, tears running down his face.

"So I've been told." I mumble. "Let's get out of here before we get caught." I say a bit louder so that the guys can hear me. We exit the caf quickly, before the bell rings, signaling lunch.

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