chapter 14

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I almost bolt right from the house but then I remembered. Mike. He's locked in the closet. I debate at the top of the hall near the stairs whether or not to just get the heck out of here, but I grudgingly decide I should just get this over with. Either way he's going to be pissed.

I fling open the closet that mike is in and smile down at the boy. I'm honestly in no mood to smile or anything of the like but I figured if I try and keep everything cheerful maybe he won't kill me.

"Hey bud. I told you I'd come back. Now when I take the tape off refrain from yelling or I won't undo your arms and legs." I warn. Mike gives a slight nod of the head and I rip the tape from his mouth in one smooth motion causing mike to wince and grit his teeth.

"You're fucking dead Quinn. Why the hell did you do this?" Mike asks sounding scarily calm.

"Doesn't matter. Just don't say anything to Vic. He's going to be pissed and I don't want to deal with that shit right now." I say starting to undo his legs.

"Vic is going to be the last of your worries." Mike says under his breath as I move onto his wrists.

"Yeah yeah you're going to bury me or whatever. Ill cross that bridge when I get to it." Finally, mike unrestrained, I step away from him quickly.

"So I'll see you later friend?" I say with a gin, backing up slowly.

"You're such an idiot. Get out of my house." Mike sighs with a shake of his head as he wiggles his fingers, probably trying to get the blood flowing in them again.

I take his advice gladly and leave the house without another word.

When I get back to my silent dark house I go straight to my bed and collapse without even taking my shoes off. I finally got what I want so why do I still feel like I'm missing something. I'm still craving something. Although my mind is a jumbled mess, my body is exhausted from tonight's strenuous activities and I soon find myself falling asleep.


Thursday goes by without any incident and stay in bed, hoping the next day doesn't come. Of course it does and its Friday and my mother is rushing me to get dressed for my appointment with Vic. I'm still hesitant and confused about him. I just want things to go back to normal.

The car ride is quick and in a matter of no time I'm sitting in Vic's office watching him wearily.

"How have you been kellin?" Vic asks, his tone professional and calm.

"Fucking fantastic." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"What are your thoughts like? Have you gotten into any trouble?" he asks, continuing with his stupid doctor questions.

"No you idiot. I'm under lock down."

"But that didn't stop you from coming here a Wednesday." He points out. The truth is I'm too preoccupied with thoughts of him to really seek trouble. I've hardly talked to anyone and I have no motivation to mess with anyone, unless you count Mike.

"Whatever. I got what I want and so did you. So can we like be done with this nonsense?" I avoid his gaze. His eyes are almost addicting though so I find myself sneaking glances at them when he looks down at his notes.

"What do you mean I got what I want?" Vic sounds genuinely confused and slightly frustrated. Letting out a loud breath and looking up from his notes to watch me tiredly.

"you finally did it. you broke me. I don't have my impulse to just hurt people because all I think about is you! I'm weak just like everyone else!" I stand up, swiping his stuff off his desk and knocking over a lamp. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid! The sudden onset of emotions is overwhelming and I don't feel ike myself anymore. I can't wrap my mind over the possible reason for my sudden thought change. Nothing makes sense anymore and I hate it.

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