chapter 18

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I immediately throw on clothes when I get back to my room and start to pace. Vic will hate me forever if I don't fix this. Just the thought makes my hands start to shake. I finally found something, someone that I enjoy constantly and now he's going to hate me. I force myself to sit down and get to business, grabbing my laptop. I have to find out how much trouble he can actually get in. after a little bit of research I find out that he can be sued for malpractice. God I'm such an idiot. I can't think of what to do but my mind is racing with all the possible outcomes for this situation and none of them are good. I know that if I'm freaking out this much, and I never care about anything, Vic must be literally bouncing off the walls with anxiety. I don't know if it's a good idea, but I decide to call him, just to see if he's alright. The phone rings for a while and I'm about to hang up when he finally answers.

"Kellin." Vic answers. His voice is slightly higher and even on the phone I can hear the stress in his voice. Man have I messed up.

"Vic I'm- m sorry about all this." I say truthfully. I try and make my tone more sympathetic. This is all so new to me I'm not even sure how to sound.

"I know. You should keep your distance from me for now. Th-this is just too much. I might lose my license, I just can't do this ok?" Vic says sounding strained. I suspected that he would hate me but it still stabs me in the heart as I hear these words.

"Y-yeah ok, um I'll just...bye." I hang up the phone and stare at it blankly. I'm pretty sure Vic just broke up with me. Were we ever even together? It doesn't matter I guess. I feel sick though. My head feels foggy and my chest hurts. I've never felt this way before and I don't know what to make of it. So I turn off all my lights, close the curtains, and curl up in bed. I think this is where most would cry but I think my tear ducts are broken from the lack of use so I lie there, dry eyed, staring at the wall in front of me.

I don't think I sleep but I'm not really conscious you know? I kind of just lie there feeling nothing and not really thinking anything. It's kind of like my brain is broken and disconnected from reality. Eventually though, after the sun went down, my mom opens my door, letting in a sliver of light.

"Kellin sweetie, we have to go see my lawyer tomorrow so don't bother getting up for school." She says quietly, standing behind the door cautiously so I can only see her head.

"Go. The fuck. Away." I respond blankly, turning my gaze back to the wall. She lets out a sigh before closing the door and leaving me in the dark again. I know I'm being dramatic but I don't care. I do have to thank the terrible woman though, for getting me out of whatever little mindless trance I was. I finally sit up in bed and turn on the light. Yeah Vic broke up with me, not really seeing as we were never officially together but still, I still feel obligated to help. There has to be a way out of this. I mean there's no real proof right? Maybe I can still get us out of this mess. My constant scheming comes in handy tonight as a plan formulates slowly.


I dress quickly as my birth giver yells up the stairs for me to come on. I got very little sleep last night so my movements are slow and sluggish as I drag myself down the stairs and eventually make it to the car, sliding in the passenger seat next to my mom.

"I know your mad but this is for the-"my mom starts in her falsely sweet voice that I can't stand.

"Don't bother. Just shut up for once." I snap, in no mood to even begin to deal with her bullshit or put up my usual 'good son' act. Mom sense my mood and goes silent, starting the car and driving toward her stupid lawyer's office. I see her watching me worriedly from the corner of her eye and it annoys me so much that I'm tempted to grab the steering wheel and drive us off the road just to get her to stop.

When we arrive at the small office in the middle of our small city , I stand with my arms crossed and a permanent glare on my face as mom talks to the receptionist. In a matter of no time we are being ushered into a smallish room with an old guy with a long grey beard and no hair.

"So you want to sue Mr. Fuentes, your son's psychologist, for malpractice?" he asks, pulling out a large manila folder. Mom nods her head quickly.

"Yes I believe he's having sexual relations with my son." She says, glancing at me for the umpteenth time.

"And how old is your son?" the lawyer guy asks. Tired of them talking about me as if I'm not there I answer. "I'm 18. And I wasn't having sex with him so I refuse to testify." I say stonily. I read a lot about it on line last night and came to the conclusion that I'm a legal adult so unless I actually want to sue, this whole thing can't really be verified.

"Kellin your being ridiculous. This is going to happen whether you want it to or not. I paid him to help you and its obvious he's been taking my money and taking advantage of you." My mom say in frustration.

"I admit this will be a very difficult case to win if kellin refuses to cooperate. He is an adult. We can launch an investigation to find evidence of this relationship." The lawyer offers. I smile smugly and my mom glares at me.

"Well for one I picked kellin up at Mr. Fuentes house last night with nothing but his boxers on." She says, I could probably smash her face on the desk right about now.

"That's good. That's a start."

I quickly come up with a counter, already having thought about this the night before. "I skipped school and tried to come onto him. Why do you think he was the only one undressed? He tried to get me to leave but you know me." I shrug with a causal smile.

"Stop lying!" my mom turns to me in anger.

"I'm afraid that thing aren't looking good for this case Ms. Quinn. Maybe you should discuss things with your son more before making any more decisions." The lawyer guy says, obviously tired of our arguing.

"Yeah ok. I'll call when we figure things out." Mom says with an embarrassed chuckle, grabbing her purse and standing.

"Great. I look forward to hearing from you." He says with a friendly nod at her, completely ignoring me. Good he's a dick anyways.

Mom and I are silent until we get in the car.

"Why won't you just let me be a mom for once?" she asks when we are both in the privacy of the car. I roll my eyes without answering.

"I'm trying to help you." Her voice wavers and I know that the tears are about to start. Oh god.

"If you really want to help, back the fuck off. Stop paying the man for therapy if you want. You don't have to be a bitch and sue him." I snap in irritation. I have absolutely no sympathy for her. Of course the water works start.

"Can we go home?" I try to keep the annoyance out of my voice, hoping that if I sound semi apologetic shell actually start driving

"I'm trying my hardest kellin." she says through her tears as she starts the car.

"Listen mom I've been getting better. Just stop the therapy with him if you have to. Don't sue him though. If you do I will literally never forgive you. I promise." I add. I try to keep a more emotional voice but at the end I drop the façade and let her hear the seriousness in my voice.

She wipes her eyes so she can actually see the road and nods.

"Alright Kellin. I will for you. But you aren't going back to that man. Ever. You aren't to see him either. If I find out I will make sure to get proof and put him in jail where he belongs." She threatens, finally drying her face. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from telling her off. It's not like her terms matter anyways. Vic doesn't want anything to do with me.

"Fine whatever."

"And I want you to still see a therapist."

"no." I answer immediately. The only reason I got anywhere with Vic is because I developed stupid feelings for him. Look where that got me.

"We'll talk about this later." She sighs pulling up to our house.

"whatever." I huff, hooping out and going straight to my room. My life is literally crumbling around e and I don't know who I can even turn to anymore.

(A/N) theres only going to be a few more chapters friends

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