little sister

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chapter two

In which there are fifteen...


Masaomi really didn't know what to do with his mother.

He sighed waiting patiently for the new sibling about to walk through that door.

Ukyo was standing next to him muttering things about allergies and food under his breath.

Everyone else was out, with the exception of a sleeping Louis. The door dinged, signalling the arrival of their new sibling.

Both brothers straightened, plastering on friendly smiles.

Standing there in the now open elevator was a teenage female with dark brown hair that was pulled into a sloppy pony tail. Her eyes were a piercing grey, filled to the brink with negative emotions. It was like looking into a storm. Masaomi felt if he looked too long he would get swept away.

She lifted the bags around her and strode towards them confidently.

"You're the yuppies Blondie popped out?" She drawled.

The eldest brother's eyebrow nearly met his hair line.

"I-I'm sorry?" Ukyo choked out.

The girl rolled her eyes, but continued. "It would seem, I'm your new sister" she said it with a sneer that told the pair of brothers she wanted to be anything but.

Ukyo studied her, and suddenly felt the need to hug this girl,and protect her from the world's horrors. Because her eyes were the kind he had seen before, the kind no child should have. Eyes that have seen the world for what it is and accepted the cruel reality.

He smiled at her kindly. "Yes. And we're very happy to have you. I'm Ukyo and this is Masaomi."

The girl didn't outwardly show how his brushing off her bad attitude unnerved her.

She instead sharpened her glare, and made sure these idiots knew, Misaki Yui was not a girl to be messed with.

"Tch. Whatever"

Masaomi, finally snapping out of his shock gave a nervous laugh.

"Eh...Would you like to see your" He drawled off mother having not said her name. Honestly. That woman.

"Misaki. Misaki Yui. " the girl sighed.

Masaomi beamed. "Misaki! What a lovely name! Would you like to see your room Misaki-san?"


"Great!" The eldest smiled, but shot a glance to his brother.They both had around the same thought in their heads. She wasn't anything like Ema, and how their other siblings would take to her was troubling.

As he lead her to her room, Masaomi glanced at her slouching frame.

She had seemingly permanent scowl on her face, but she was glancing everywhere. Almost like a thief would.

A bit of amazement had sneaked it way into her expression. Taken with their lavish home.

Misaki felt like that spot on a white carpet when a clumsy guest had spilt their coffee.

Even in her new clothes, she knew she didn't belong.

All well. Not like I'll be staying here anyway. The girl thought bitterly.

They came to a stop. "I'm sorry it's not really prepared... Mother took us a bit by surprise" he said apologetically.

He didn't get a response as Misaki opened the door.

It still had some boxes shoved into a corner, and a layer of dust covered everything. looked ten times better than her cot at the orphanage.

She strode in and promptly slammed the door in his face.

The male dragged a hand through his hair. "Uh...dinners at 6 and you can meet everyone else then.." He called weakly.

No reply came.

Shoulders slumped in defeat the man walked away.

Collapsing into one of the chairs Masaomi looked to his younger brother. "What are we going to do?"

Ukyo was silent for a moment.

"Hope she warms up to us. And that...another game doesn't start. " the blonde said thinking of what their other brother, Hikaru was always going on about.

"I suppose" Masaomi sighed.

Misaki sat on the bed, finding it extremely comfty.

The others huh? Annoying Bitch did say she had a lot of kids.

Even knowing avoiding all of them was probably impossible, she still would love to try.

Gazing at the ceiling, she watched a spider spin its web.

She smiled at the much hated bug. All it did was live and everyone hated it. Why? Because it was a little scary? It was cruel to the thing, who kept flies from over populating and other more dangerous insects from invading.

"Hey there. How about we make a deal? I won't kill you or mess up your home if you agree not to bite me, crawl in my ear or anything of the nature. Okay? Okay." Satisfied with her "deal" with the spider, Misaki turned to her side.

She didn't bother to unpack. She never did. Even at the orphanage she kept all of her things in her bag.

Glancing at the large amount of shit she got, she found it wouldn't be that easy to just pick up and leave.

All well. I'll just leave most of it here. Won't need a lot of it anyway.

Going over the exits in her head a line thought crossed her mind.

How long will I be here?

That one she was stumped. If they were particularly stubborn about "fixing" Misaki, she might be here a while. Or, she could be sent back in a few days.

It really depended on the family she was given to, and how bad she decided to get.

Feeling far too tired to think about all the ways she could ruin their picture perfect family, Misaki closed her eyes and pretended she could sleep.

Louis rolled to his side, now awake.

He distantly remembered hearing one of his brothers say that their mother had adopted a new child.

An uneasy feeling burrowed its way into his stomach, upsetting the dreamy male.

I wonder if they have nice hair.

Trouble seems to be inescapable for the Asahina family with this new addition. Aren't they in for a surprise when they return home?

Until the next conflict....

Hi! Sorry so short. Will work on that. As you can tell I'm drawing it out. Hehe. Sorry not sorry. I plan on introducing most of the brothers all at once and then have bonding experience (wellcas bonding as can happen with Misaki) with each. I'm excited! Aren't you?

Oh and Iif your irriated with her, please be patient. She's a jaded child. Let her be angsty and shit.

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