stupid squirrels

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chapter five

In which squirrels need manners...

It had become a routine. Every morning for the past week, she got up earlier than everyone else (usually at least) and back late. She would sneak into the kitchen when everyone was asleep.

Even though Misaki had made it her mission to avoid her 'siblings' at all costs, they still were annoyingly stubborn.

Ukyo had taken to wrapping up her dinner, writing her name on it and leaving it for her.

He also tried to get her to eat breakfast, if the muffin on the counter was any hint.

The over excitable idiot, Tsubaki, had started leaving anime dvd's in front of her room.

Ema had made it her mission to speak to the girl whenever she saw her.

And one of them kept leaving her flowers, the meaning written on a note card.

Don't these people have lives?!

Glaring at yet another stack(it was over flowing by now) Misaki really hated how hard they were trying.

Can't they just give up already?!

Dragging a hand down her face, she spotted a particularly pretty flower.

Pausing she glanced around making sure no one would see her, and picked the flower up.

On the card in a neat scrawl was, a white camellia means 'You're Adorable' in the language of flowers.

Misaki nearly dropped the damned thing.

W-What kind of person can write this?!

Her face burned.

Damn. He got some balls...

Shaking her head to shake off the immense embarrassment she was feeling, the girl set the flower back where it had been.

Not quickly enough that one of her 'brothers' saw and had cover his face at the sheer cuteness the rare sight of a flustered Misaki presented.

That was well worth the hours I spent antagonizing over that flower....*

Smiling to himself he left quietly, thinking perhaps they were wearing her down little by little.

Entering her room the girl immediately set to studying. Hours last as she attempted to decode the ridiculous sequence of numbers ,why did they have to add letters too, those imbeciles, before she finally slammed the book closed. Her head hurt and her stomach was demanding nutrients.

Glancing at the time she saw they would be still awake by now.

Should I risk it?

"What do you think Razu?" She asked her spider friend.

The arachnid just continued eating his fly.

"Lucky bastard" she muttered.

She slid from her bed and peeked out her door.

The coast is clear.

Tip-toeing down the hall way she double checked to make sure no one was coming.

Then she made a mad dash for the kitchen.

Skidding to a stop she blew out a relieved sigh.

Then Misaki noticed the squirrel.

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