fickle fights

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chapter four

In which things are made clear(sorta)....

Misaki woke up early. Not that she wanted to.

Her school, Arashi High, was close. But not close enough. She would have to get up extra early to make it in time by foot.

Sleepily she pulled on the uniform, well most of it. The gray jacket was thrown messily over her dark blue button up, which had the top two buttons undone. Her tie was missing and instead of the normal skirt she had put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans. Because...fuck skirts.

Quickly making her way down the stairs she headed out.

"You're up early" a calm voice called. Pausing she looked over her shoulder to see the blonde male from yesterday. Ukyo, she thinks it was.

He was wearing a pink, frilly apron over his suav suit. In his hands was a pan, it seemed his was making breakfast.

"School" was her curt reply. Ukyo set the pan down and wiped his hands on a towel. "Would you like a ride? You attend Arashi correct? That's quite a walk..."

"M'fine" she muttered heading for the elevator.

"Misaki-" Ukyo called frowning. He was ignored and the elevator closed.

He sighed.

I guess she won't be needing breakfast...he thought ruefully glancing at the blueberry pancakes he was planning to make for the girl.

I really hope you know what your doing mother...

Hands shoved into her pockets, Misaki walked in the biting cold to school. Ukyo was right-it was quite a walk.

She ended up being a bit late as she slinked into her classroom. Today it was the substitute again, Mr. Moriyama. He glanced at her fearfully and made no comment about her being late.

The classroom walls were covered in graffiti and a window was still broken from the last fight. It was half empty and who was there all looked like suspicious characters.

One was a (dyed) blonde boy. He immediately perked up at the sight of the girl.

"Misa-hime!" He cried.*

Misaki, in no mood for Akira's shit she grabbed a textbook off of some random students desk and chucked it at him.

It hit the male square in the nose sending him flying back.

She calmly sank into her seat, pulling out her work and spent the day ignoring Akira's whines.

Before the Bell had even rang Misaki was out of the classroom and striding out of the building.

"Eh! Misa-Hime!" Akira called.

She walked quicker.

"Stop fucking calling me that!" She ordered.

"But Misa-Hime is Misa-Hime!"

By now she was running from the blonde while he wailed behind her.

It was an impressive feat, keeping up with Misaki. By now Akira was jogging by her side, crying that he was hated by his 'Misa-Hime'.

She shot insult after insult at the boy, growing irritated with his presence.

"Fine! You want to do something for me idiot?" She said in exasperation.

Akira practically lit up. "Yes! Anything for you!"

"Okay. Now I want you to go to the tallest mountain and....jump off" she said flatly.

Enigma (Brothers Conflict)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن