daring darlings

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chapter seven

In which things get marginally better....

Masaomi stared at the still figure on the bed.

After a long debate it was agreed to treat Misaki at home, as her injuries could lead to some suspicion.

It had ultimately been Yuusuke who had pushed the argument through.

"She's a famous delinquent, we take her to a hospital she could get arrested! I heard that the people she beat up are from the Yuzuka! They're not happy to find so many of their people beaten to fucking pulp!"

Sighing he gently sat next to the girl, brushing a stray piece of hair away.

He looked down, and gave a small smile. Leaning down, the male pecked her forehead. "Thank you, for protecting my precious brother"

Masaomi pulled away, and began to gently check her wounds. Thankfully, the girl wasn't too heavily injured. Her face was heavily bruised, and swollen, and two of her fingers on the right hand broken. Many other bruises and cuts were painted across her body like a grotesque painting.

Her neck held frightening imprints of fingers, and the deepest cut was slashed across her collarbone, down the right breast, ending two inches under it. It would scar.

Masaomi was saddened to see it would not be too obvious with her many others.

Misaki had the body of a survivor.

When he had first seen the damage, he had to leave the room to empty his stomach. It had taken Ukyo to calm his panic attack, and twenty more minutes to be able to stomach the sight.

Once he did he was angry. Who could let this happen? How dare they?! Some were years old. A child had received these. Just who had looked after this child?

It was horrifying and disheartening.

After he patched her up, he was too tired to be angry any longer.

Now looking at her, he just felt a deep sadness and a heavy feeling deep in his bones.

To be faced with such a dark representation of human actions was a cruel eye opener.

Now, he sat vigil by her side. He knew the others were gathered together, worrying like he was.

Wataru had stubbornly refused to leave her side, until Subaru picked him up ,screaming and kicking, away.

Masaomi had his doubts, he had a voice in the back of his head telling him they would never be able to care for this child.

But, he couldn't think such things looking at her now.

Now, all he could see was a young girl who had protected his precious sibling when they could not. All he could see was his little sister. It was like looking at a sickly newborn, worried and fretful, yet also amazed.

Perhaps Mother had known what she was doing after all...

Ema had been the first female sibling, and had gained far more than brotherly love from many of his siblings.

Maybe, Misaki was what they needed to steady the scales in their family.


Misaki never had pleasant dreams. For as long as she could remember, they were either raging nightmares or just a black out sleep.

This time it was a nightmare.

It started the same as always, this one. A young Misaki, no older than four or five, wearing a ratty dress that was closer to a sack. She pushes open the door to the house (for it was never home.)

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