many siblings

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chapter three

In which they meet....


Misaki was unfortunately hungry. She really didn't want to join these people for dinner but she hadn't eaten all day.

Slowly she rose. Maybe grab something then bolt.

Seems like as good as a plan as any.

Emerging from her room she was soon met with the excited clatter of a lot of people.

The fuck? They throw a party?

Frowning she entered the room and it went dead silent.

About thirteen-no. Fourteen people stood in front of her. The two bozo's from before and a shit load of others.

They couldn't be...

All siblings?!

The girl stumbled back, wishing she had stayed in her dusty room with Razu, the spider.

"Eh? This is our new sister! How cute!" A guy with white hair cried.

Striding forward he began babbling nonstop.

"-and you can call me Onii-san! " the boy said pulling the girl into a tight hug squealing.

Misaki will admit it, she froze up. No one had hugged her in...forever. Then she got her bearings and quickly delivered a punch to his gut.

Wheezing the boy backed of clutching his stomach.

Misaki glared at him dangerously.

"Don't fucking touch me"

Another male quickly walked forward kneeling by his brother.

"I'm sorry about him. He's... A bit excitable."

Misaki said nothing, but eyed him suspiciously.

"My. My. This little lamb is more of a wolf" a blonde...priest?

What the fuck.


What the fuck?

He gave her a tilted smile, the kind of smile that was meant to lure unsuspecting women(or men, who knows) into his trap.

She returned it with a sneer.

"Damn. That bitch has more in her than I thought if she popped all of you fuckers out"

Subaru choked coughing violently.

"Oh. I like her" Hikaru purred, grinning.

"I don't" Yuusuke said furiously. He took a step forward glaring at the girl.

"Is that the way you talk about everyone who takes you in" he spat.

Misaki pretended to consider it for a minute.

"Well...yeah. Pretty much"

Smashing his teeth together the red head bore holes in her head.

"Aw. What? Upset I insulted your mommy?" Misaki asked smirking.

Oh. This one is fun to play with.

His reaction was as expected. He attempt to rush her, had it not been for the firm hand of an orange haired individual.

"Yuusuke" he said sternly.

The boy protested. "But she!"

"I know. But violence is not the answer"

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