nothing lost

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chapter eight

In which the reward is served...

Misaki woke up confused and sore.

She stared blankly at the ceiling, even though it was hard to see through her left eye, as it refused to open.

She distantly remembered having that dream again. But the difference between this time and all the others was, she could have sworn someone had calmed her down and sang her to sleep.

The girl passed it off as a hallucination.

Gingerly, she moved to get up only to get a strong jolt of pain. Misaki hissed, hands balling into sheets.

She was back at the Asahina's place. How she got there, was another story.

Misaki tensed at the tell tale sound of the door opening.


She scowled, and opened her mouth to make scathing comment, only to be hugged.

It took one very quick moment to decide she didn't like being hugged. It hurt her injuries, it was uncomfortably warm, and someone touching so much of her, made her feel vulnerable. Misaki didn't do vulnerable.

She thrashed a bit, hissing out curse words, and the hugger quickly released her.

"I'm sorry...! I...I was just so relieved to see you awake..." Masaomi whispered. The older man looked a bit embarrassed at his impulsive action.

"Whatever" the girl muttered.

He shifted a bit before clearing his throat. "I need to check your injuries... It won't take long. "

Misaki watched him, eyes narrowed before she nodded her consent.

He slowly cut off the old bandage, careful to not hurt her. Misaki watched him like a hawke, and took note of his flinch at the sight of her blood.

Nevertheless he wrapped a fresh bandage, and and moved to the cuts on her leg.

Eventually he had to lift her shirt for her ribs.

Misaki had taken it off completely, uncaring the fact she wasn't wearing a bra or anything underneath.

Masaomi did. He spluttered, covering his own eyes, squeaking out frantic apologies.

Jesus. You'd think he'd never seen a naked woman before.

"Stop freaking out, they're just boobs"

"J-Just b-! Please cover up!"

Rolling her eyes, the girl used her good arm to press her breast up, covering the nipples.

"Just treat the fucking shit. I'm not putting a bra on this bruised. Unless you're​ a goddamn pervert"

The doctor squawked a but more, but flushing deeply, he did so.

He quickly grew more serious as he inspected her ribs. She hissed in pain as he pressed her side.


"Yes there"

"I'm sorry, I'm almost done"

She seemed to have bruises along her ribcage. Just great.

"My fingers are broken" it wasn't a question.

"Yes, you won't be doing too much for a while. It'll take 4 to 6 weeks for the break to heal. I was waiting for you to wake up to take you in for a cast. "

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