Demon NEET is blamed?

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"Urushihara, stop playing games and help me for once!"

"Ashiya, you know it's useless to talk to the NEET so why bother trying?"

Emi huffed while Ashiya sighed. Urushihara just ignored the both of them.

And Uri is just there.


"Hmm? Yes, Uri-chan?"

Emi totally changed demeanor, from frowning at Urushihara to smiling at Uri.

"Uh...No...Its nothing..."Cue sweatdrop.

Tilting her head, Emi looked at Uri, confused, but then just shrugged her head.

Maou and Chiho were at work so it'll still be a bit later before they come back. Emi got let off early so she decided to drag Uri, who was suppose to be doing her shrine duties, off to the stronghold.

In other words, Uri was currently wearing her shrine maiden clothes.

"This is the first time I've seen such clothes....." Ashiya stopped chopping the onions and looked at Uri, a smile gracing his lips. "They're very pretty, Hatsumoto-san."

Uri blushed at the comment and mumbled a small "Thank you." under her breath.

"Stop trying to hit on her, Ashiya. Your too old."


Ashiya glared at Urushihara but before he could retort, Emi was up and yelling at the poor man.

Giving the boy besides her a side glance, she took in his profile since Emi and Ashiya wasn't paying attention.

Same as always, Urushihara was in his white and purple t-shirt, with dark shorts, and no socks, like always.

"Is there something on me or is there some other reason you have for staring at me?"


Her eyes blinked, mind finally processing that Urushihara was looking at her, with a blank face on. She was caught. Staring. At a person she isn't even close to.

She scooted a bit over, face red in embarrassment. Uri didn't even remember to say Sorry for staring.

Urushihara just took her silence as an answer and resumed playing on his computer. Uri's head was down, her embarrassment preventing her from lifting her head up.

Ashiya, being the kind soul he is towards his acquaintance (except Emi), he noticed Uri's particular face color.

"Hatsumoto-san, are you feeling alright?"

And because Ashiya mentioned Uri, Emi had to turn around to see what has happened to one of her dear friends and her eyes widened in shock.

Then, per as usual, she decides to blame the person next to Uri for her condition.




Urushihara and Emi retorted back and forth, both adding fuel to the fire they started. Well...Emi started.

Uri just didn't know what do to while Ashiya went back to cooking, relieved that he'll be able to finish before his Lord gets home.

Another day at the stronghold it seems.




Uri looked up but Urushihara wasn't facing her. He did spoke though.

"You some games?"

She blinked at the boy's request, embarrassment changing into confusion. Urushihara scratched his cheek, him being the embarrassed now.

"It might...make you feel better..."

Then he got up and went into his box bed. Uri's eyes trailed after him. Urushihara finally emerged, with something in his hands.

He sat down and handed the object towards her.


Uri took a look at the unknown thing and took it. Turning it around, she recognized what it was.


Uri looked at Urushihara, confusion still in her eyes. But Urushihara avoided her stare, his cheeks feeling a bit warm for some reason.

"You can play...."

Seeing his embarrassment made Uri shy again.

"Thank you..."

Urushihara did a tiny smile and resumed playing. Uri was about to turn on the electronic in her hand...

"Urushihara!!! Did you steal the PASTA again?!"


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